
Form Designer

Design mode

ASP.NET editor

Click .NET in the toolbar to open the ASP.NET code editor, which can be used to define server-side procedures, events, and global variables to handle any specific custom tasks. This feature is mainly intended for ASP.NET server-side development.

As of WorkflowGen version 7.19.0, all default.aspx files are saved with the Page Async property set to true (e.g. <%@ Page Async="true" ... %>). This allows asynchronous ASP.NET web form development (see the Using Asynchronous Methods in ASP.NET 4.5 Microsoft article for more information).

JavaScript editor

Click JS in the toolbar to open the JavaScript code editor, which can be used to define server-side procedures, events, and global variables to handle any specific custom tasks. This feature is mainly intended for JavaScript client-side development.

Advanced features

Server-side editing mode

Check Enable server-side editing mode on the General tab in the Form configuration panel to activate this mode, which allows form designers to modify the content of the form's C# runat server tag (e.g. <script runat="server") and JavaScript script tag (e.g. <script jseditor="true">) directly in the generated default.aspx file on the server (usually located in the \wfapps\webforms[PROCESSNAME]\V[VERSION] folder) using Visual Studio Professional or Visual Studio Code.

The .NET and JavaScript editors are disabled when server-side editing mode is enabled.

You must save the form on the WorkflowGen Form screen every time you make changes to a script's code in the default.aspx file in order to keep the form's HTML script tags (FORM_HTML) up to date. This is mandatory before you can export the XPDL process definition for deployment on another server.

AJAX mode

If you're using the Form Designer, you can enable AJAX mode by checking Enable AJAX mode on the General tab of the Form configuration panel.

When adding a custom control (e.g. a button to handle form submission), you must register the control ID as a postback control in the Page_Load event's ScriptManager object. For example:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    base.Page_Load(sender, e);    
    // Register the custom button to the script manager for postback management in AJAX mode
    if (ScriptManager.GetCurrent(this) != null) {


Design mode

ASP.NET editor

JavaScript editor

Form configuration

A form created with the built-in Form Designer has one header, one or several sections, one or several fields per section, a Submit button, an optional Save as a draft button, and one footer.

General tab

Web references tab

Translations tab

Last updated