Structure, Sections & Fields
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Last updated
The header contains a title, a label, and an optional image.
The title can be used to display the process name. Its text can be edited directly in the form.
The label is used to display the current request number. Its default identifier is CURRENT_REQUEST
and can be referenced in an action parameter to receive the Request.Id macro.
The image is used to display a logo. It can be resized or realigned.
A fixed width and height can be set for the header in the form configuration window.
The section has a title to display the section name. Its text can be edited directly on the form.
It can have one or several fields.
Each section must have a unique identifier.
Sections can only be aligned vertically and reordered using the mouse drag-and-drop action.
When inserting a section tool into the form, the new section will be placed in the last position.
Section width will be resized automatically based on the widest field in the form whenever there is a field width change.
A fixed width can be set for all sections.
The section’s settings can be edited by clicking the pencil icon on the right side of the section name.
See Tools for the different types of default section.
The field has a label and an input control.
The label is used to display the name of the field. Its text can be edited directly on the form. It can be resized and realigned.
A fixed width can be set for all labels (General / Labels).
The input control is where a value is captured in the form. It can be resized and realigned.
Each field must have a unique identifier.
Fields within the same section are prefixed with the section’s identifier following an underscore character.
Fields within a section can be reordered vertically using the mouse drag-and-drop action.
A field can be moved from one section to another section using the mouse drag-and-drop action.
When inserting a field tool into the form, the new field will be placed in the last position of the selected section or the first section if no section is selected.
By default, fields are aligned vertically on the same column.
Two fields can be aligned horizontally on the same row using the Remove line break button (left arrow) on the right side of the first field.
Two fields can be aligned vertically on the same column using the Line break button (right arrow) on the right side of the first field.
The field’s settings can be edited edited by clicking the pencil icon on the right side of the field.
See Tools for the different types of default field.
The Submit and Save as draft buttons can be renamed in the form configuration window (General / Buttons) or in the Appearance Editor (see Appearance Editor).
The Save as draft button can be enabled or disabled as well.
Their identifiers are submitButton
and saveAsDraftButton
, respectively.
The footer contains a title and an optional image.
The title can be used to display a note. Its text can be edited directly on the form.
The image is used to display a logo. It can be resized or realigned in the form configuration window (General / Footer) or in the Appearance Editor (see Appearance Editor).
A fixed width and height can be set for the footer.
You can also change the web form style sheet and other attributes (header image, footer, text, etc.) at runtime by adding the following .NET code to your form:
This replaces:
The current style sheet with the metal.css
The header title label
The header image
The footer title label
The footer image
You should define the width and height of the images in the form configuration in the .NET code.
An absolute URL is recommended because the generated form archive (HTML) could be opened in the email notification.
Default and custom tools are available in the Tools drop-down list.
Manage custom tools...
Opens the Manage custom tools window
Custom – sections
List of custom section templates
A custom section template can be created by using the Save a section or field as tool feature or by manually deploying it on the server with the following folder and file structures: \wfgen\App_Data\Templates\Forms\[language]\[folder name]\sections\[section name].txt
Example: \wfgen\App_Data\Templates\Forms\En\MyCompany\sections\MySection.txt
Note: A custom section template must comply with the content structures and rules used and known by the form designer. This is aimed at advanced users.
Custom – field
List of custom field templates
A custom field template can be created by using the Save a section or field as tool feature or by manually deploying it on the server with the following folder and file structures: \wfgen\App_Data\Templates\Forms\[language]\[folder name]\fields\[field name].txt
Example: \wfgen\App_Data\Templates\Forms\En\MyCompany\fields\MyField.txt
Note: A custom field template must comply with the content structures and rules used and known by the form designer. This is intended for advanced users.
Default sections
A section that contains first name, last name, and date fields in read-only; also an approval radio button list and comment multiline textbox
A section that has no fields
A section that contains first name, last name, and date fields in read-only; also a category drop-down list, subject textbox, and description multiline textbox
A section that contains first name, last name, and date fields in read-only
Default fields
Attach one file
Single checkbox
Multiple checkboxes in horizontal alignment
Multiple checkboxes in vertical alignment
Input for currency value
Input for date value
Input for date time value
List of items for a single choice selection
Dynamic table of multiple input fields; each column represents a field and each row represents a record
Text displayed in read-only
List of items for a multiple choice selection
Input for numeric value
Input for password value (the entered text will be masked)
Single radio button
Multiple radio buttons in horizontal alignment
Multiple radio buttons in vertical alignment
Read-only currency value
Read-only date value
Read-only date time value
Read-only numeric value
Read-only text value
Multiline textbox
Single line textbox
This feature allows a form designer to save an existing section or field in the current form as a custom tool template in order to be reused in other forms. First, select a section or field then click the Save a section or field as tool icon on the toolbar (see Toolbar).
Save as tool
Enter a unique name for the custom tool
Select an existing tool in the drop-down list for replacement
To open this window, click the Tools drop-down menu and select Manage custom tools, which allows you to delete custom tools.
Name / Icon
Name of the custom section tool
Delete the current custom section tool
Name of the custom field tool
Delete the current custom field tool
Name / Icon
Close and apply the changes to the section
Close and cancel the changes
Note: To simplify the capture of a condition, the form fields and operators are listed in the Select a field... and Select an operator... drop-down menus. You can also press Ctrl+Space
to display a drop-down menu that lists the available variables and keywords.
Sets the section fields to be required
The section fields are required based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the section’s fields to read-only
The section fields are read-only based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the section fields to be hidden
The section fields are hidden based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Name / Icon
Close and apply the changes to the field
Close and cancel the changes
Enable advanced mode
Enables the file attachment settings listed below
Enable download link
Check if you want to enable the link to open file
Show file size
Displays the size of the uploaded file beside the download link
Upload file automatically
Automatically uploads the file, otherwise an upload button will be displayed
Control style
Display the Modify and Delete controls as links or buttons
Image preview
Display an image preview (thumbnail)
Display the image preview above (Top) or below (Bottom) the attachment filename and controls
Width / Height
Sets the width and/or height of the image preview in pixels
Important: You should only set one of these values in order to preserve the aspect ratio of the original image as displayed in the preview; otherwise, the image will appear distorted.
Storage in form archive
Web address (URL): Stores the image in the form folder
Embedded image: Embeds the image in the form archive HTML
File size limit (kB)
Defines the maximum size of the uploaded file in kilobytes
Size restriction error message
Write error that will appear if file exceeds the file size limit
Allowed extensions
Restricts the allowed file types by extension, separated by commas (e.g. txt,doc,html,xml,png
Forbidden extensions
List of file extensions not allowed for links
Extension restriction error message
Write error message that will be displayed when file extension error occurs
Empty file error message
Write error message that will display when there is no file to link to
Add button label
Display text for the add button
Update button label
Display text for update button
Delete button label
Display text for delete button
Overwrite button label
Allows you to choose a new file
Cancel button label
Allows you to cancel request for a new file
Display mode
Sets the default display mode:
Display: the field is read-only
Edit: the field can be edited
Download link
Check to display a link to download the uploaded file
Note: To simplify the capture of a condition, the form fields and operators are listed in the Select a field... and Select an operator... drop-down menus. You can also press Ctrl+Space
to display a drop-down menu that lists the available variables and keywords.
Sets the field to be required
The field is required based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code. To help with the capture of the condition, the list of form fields and a list of operators are displayed.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the field to be read-only
The field is read-only based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code. To help with the capture of the condition, the list of form fields and a list of operators are displayed.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the field to be hidden
The field is hidden based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code. To help with the capture of the condition, the list of form fields and a list of operators are displayed.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Custom attributes
Any name that is not in the list of standard reserved attribute names (id
, name
, class
, style
, title
, multiple
, type
, value
, checked
, runat
Additional reserved attribute names specific to File attachment / General: accesskey
, dir
, lang
, tabindex
, xml:lang
, onblur
, onchange
, onclick
, onfocus
, onmousedown
, onmousemove
, onmouseout
, onmouseover
, onmouseup
, onkeydown
, onkeypress
, onkeyup
, onselect
, enabled
, visible
, ondatabinding
, ondisposed
, oninit
, onload
, onprerender
, onunload
A list of examples of custom attributes is displayed at the beginning of the tab; you can choose one or enter a specific name.
Any value
Add a new attribute
Remove the current attribute
These settings apply to CheckBoxList, CheckBoxListVertical, RadioButtonList and RadioButtonListVertical fields as well.
Name / Icon
Add a new checkbox/radio button
Delete the current checkbox/radio button
Drag and drop to change the order of the items
Check the default selected items in the field. The radio button field supports single selection whereas the checkbox field supports multiple selections.
Value of the checkbox/radio button
Display text of the checkbox/radio button
Add a new checkbox/radio button
Delete the current checkbox/radio button
Note: To simplify the capture of a condition, the form fields and operators are listed in the Select a field… and Select an operator... drop-down menus. You can also press Ctrl+Space
to display a drop-down menu that lists the available variables and keywords.
Sets the field to be required
The field is required based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Note: The checkbox fields (list or single) and single radio button are not supported by this behavior.
Sets the field to be read-only
The field is required based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the field to be hidden
The field is required based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Custom attributes
This property allows a radio button and checkbox field with one item to be converted as a list control (RadioButtonList / CheckBoxList) instead of a RadioButton / CheckBox control in the web form. Accepted Boolean values: true
or false
These settings apply to Currency, Date, DateTime, Numeric, Password, and TextArea fields.
Name / Icon
Close and apply the changes to the field
Close and cancel the changes
Note: To simplify the capture of a condition, the form fields and operators are listed in the Select a field... and Select an operator... drop-down menus. You can also press Ctrl+Space
to display a drop-down menu that lists the available variables and keywords.
Maximum length
The maximum number of characters that can be entered
Note: Not available for TextArea fields.
Sets the field to be required
The field is required based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the field to be read-only
The field is read-only based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: TextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the field to be hidden
The field is hidden based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Regular expression
A regular expression to determine validity.
Example: email address: \b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}\b
A regular expression can be entered freely into the designated area. It is also possible to use regular expressions in the Select a regular expression list.
Error message
Message to display when the validated field is invalid
Minimum value
Minimum value for the field being validated
Maximum value
Maximum value for the field being validated
Error message
Message to display when the validated field is invalid
Server-side C# syntax validation code; must return a Boolean value (true or false)
Validate empty text
Whether the validator validates the control when the text of the control is empty
Error message
Message to display when the validated field is invalid
Value to compare
Value to compare against
Control to compare
Select another field in the current form to compare against
Comparison operation to apply to values:
Equal (=
Greater than (>
Greater than or equal to (>=
Less than (<
Less than or equal to (<=
Not equal (<>
Error message
Message to display when the validated field is invalid
Custom attributes
Applicable to Date and DateTime textbox fields only
This property allows the disabling of the default user time zone conversion behavior when the form field is in the Date or DateTime format.
This option is useful if you want to capture and maintain a consistent date-only value in the form field and process data without applying the time zone conversion that sometimes changes the date value depending on the original and current user time zones.
Accepted Boolean values: true
or false
Additional reserved attribute names specific to validation
, requiredcondition
, readonlycondition
, hiddencondition
, validationexpression
, regularexpressionerrormessage
, minimumvalue
, maximumvalue
, rangeerrormessage
, onservervalidate
, validateemptytext
, customerrormessage
, valuetocompare
, controltocompare
, operator
, compareerrormessage
These settings (except Items) apply to Label, ReadOnlyCurrency, ReadOnlyDate, ReadOnlyDateTime, ReadOnlyNumeric, and ReadOnlyText fields as well.
Name / Icon
Close and apply the changes to the field
Close and cancel the changes
Drag-and-drop to change the order of the items
Check the default selected items in the field
The DropdownListBox field supports single selection whereas the ListBox field supports multiple selections.
Value of the item
Displays text of the item
Add a new item
Delete the current item
Connection mode
Select the type of connection for data binding:
Global lists
Connection by name
Connection name
List of connection names defined in the WorkflowGen web configuration file (<connectionStrings>
Note: It is strongly recommended to use a connection name rather than a connection string to simplify multi-environment management. Connection names are centrally managed in the WorkflowGen web.config
Select command
SQL select query
Examples: select column_id
, column_text from table_name;
Data value field
The data field that provides the item value
Example: column_id
Data text field
The data field that provides the item text
Example: column_text
Append data bound items
Check to append the data bound items to the list. Otherwise, the data bound items will replace all the existing items in the list.
Specifies the parameter name if the Select
command uses a filter with a dynamic value from a parameter in the select query.
Example: Name=PARAM; Select command=select column_id, column_text from table_name where column_id > @PARAM
Data type
Specifies the data type of the parameter: Boolean
, Byte
, Char
, DateTime
, DBNull
, Decimal
, Double
, Empty
, Int16
, Int32
, Int64
, Object
, SByte
, Single
, String
, UInt16
, UInt32
, UInt64
Filter by field
Specifies another field in the current form where the dynamic value will be retrieved
Default filter value
Specifies the default value if the parameter field has an empty value or no value
If the value is empty
Select from one of the following:
Do nothing
Remove all items
Filter on empty value
Connection by string
Connection String
Specifies the connection string
Example: Data Source=sqlserver_name;Initial Catalog=wfgen;User ID=wfgen_user;Password=abc123!;
Provider name
List of provider names defined in the WorkflowGen web configuration file (AdministrationFormDataProviderName
). It also supports custom defined third-party .NET data providers.
System.Data.SqlClient (.NET FWK Data Provider for SQL Server)
System.Data.OleDb (.NET FWK Data Provider for OLE DB)
System.Data.Odbc (.NET FWK Data Provider for ODBC)
System.Data.OracleClient (.NET FWK Data Provider for Oracle)
Select command, Data value field, Data text field, Append data bound items, Parameters (Name, Field, Default value and Data type)
Same as Connection by name
Connection by global lists
List name
Specifies the list name
Data value column
Select the column used for item’s value
Data text column
Select the column used for item’s label
Sort column
Select the column used to sort the list
Append data bound items
Check to append the data bound items to the list. Otherwise, the data bound items will replace all the existing items in the list.
Specifies the column name used to filter data
Comparison operator
Equal (=
Not equal (<>
Greater than (>
Greater than or equal to (>=
Less than (<
Less than or equal to (>=
Begins with
Ends with
Is null
Is not null
Not In
Filter by field
Select the form field that contains the filter’s value
Default filter value
The default value if the field is empty
If the value is empty
Set the behavior of the filter if the value is empty
Connection by XML
Specifies the file name of an XML file for data binding
The XML file must be structured so that the properties of each element are expressed as attributes. If you have an XML file in which property values are expressed in a format other than attributes, you must:
Create a transformation file (.xslt
) that can dynamically reformat the .xml
file so that it is compatible with the XmlDataSource
Specify the path of your XSLT file in the "XSL transform file" parameter (see below).
Specifies an XPath expression to be applied to the XML data contained by the XML file, e.g. rss/channel/item
XSL transform file
Specifies the file name of an Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) file (.xsl
) that defines an XSLT transformation to be performed on the XML file
Example: c:\myfile.xsl
Data value field, Data text field, Append data bound items
Same as Connection by Name
Connection by SharePoint 2007 and 2010
Note: The settings in the config file have to be set to detect SharePoint for this option to be active .
URL of the SharePoint list
Name of the list
Name of the SharePoint list
Example: Country
Data field value
Name of the column containing the value of the item
Example: Id_Country
Data text field
Name of the column containing the text of the item
Example: Description
Note: To simplify the capture of a condition, the form fields and operators are listed in the Select a field… and Select an operator… drop-down menus. You can also press Ctrl+Space
to display a drop-down menu that lists the available variables and keywords.
Maximum length
The maximum number of characters that can be entered
Note: Not available for TextArea field.
Sets the field to be required
The field is required based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the field to be read-only
The field is read-only based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the field to be hidden
The field is hidden based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Custom attributes
Applicable to Date and DateTime Label fields only
This property allows for the disabling of the the default user time zone conversion behavior when the form field is in Date or DateTime format.
This option is useful if you want to capture and maintain a consistent date-only value in the form field and process data without applying the time zone conversion that sometimes changes the date value depending on the original and current user time zones.
Accepted Boolean value: true
or false
Additional reserved attribute names specific to Databind
, connectionstring
, providername
, xmldatasource
, xpath
, transformfile
, selectcommand
, parametername
, parametercontrolid
, parameterdefaultvalue
, parametertype
, datavaluefield
, datatextfield
, appenddatabounditems
, spsdatasource
, spsdatalist
, spsdatavaluefield
, spsdatatextfield
Name / Icon
Close and apply the changes to the field
Close and cancel the changes
Drag-and-drop to change the order of the columns
Header text
Display text on the column header
Field type
List of field types supported in the GridView:
TextBox and TextArea fields in the GridView do not support the validation settings.
The Label field in the GridView does not support the databind settings.
Footer text
Display text of the column’s footer
Add a new column
Delete the current column
Edit button label
Display text for the edit button
Delete button label
Display text for the delete button
Update button label
Display text for the update button
Cancel button label
Display text for the cancel button
Show header
Check to display the header
Show footer
Check to display the footer
Note: To simplify the capture of a condition, the form fields and operators are listed in the Select a field... and Select an operator... drop-down menus. You can also press Ctrl+Space
to display a drop-down menu that lists the available variables and keywords.
Sets the field to be required
The field is required based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the field to be read-only
The field is read-only based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Sets the field to be hidden
The field is hidden based on a custom condition. If the condition is empty then it will be true. The custom condition must be server-side C# syntax code.
Example: MyTextBox.Text == "Hello World"
Additional reserved attribute names specific to GridView / Appearance
, deletetext
, updatetext
, showheader
, showfooter
The Form Designer supports a custom field tool that is an ASP.NET user control. You can create this tool and manually deploy it on the server. It must have the following elements, folder and file structures:
User control field template:
\wfgen\App_Data\Templates\Forms\[language]\[folder name]\fields\[user control name].txt
User control sources:
ASCX: \wfgen\WfApps\WebForms\[user control name].ascx
Code-behind: \wfgen\WfApps\WebForms\[user control name].ascx.cs
When you enter a tag, the user control field automatically inserts its closing tag. To collapse a code block, click the down arrow next to the line number, which will insert a double-arrow icon in place of the code. To expand the code block, click the right arrow. Press Ctrl+Space
to show a drop-down menu that displays the available variables and keywords.
The user control field supports the Custom attributes settings (see File attachment field settings).
The ID menu in the toolbar will activate the field’s identifier edit mode. You can change the identifier of the header label, sections and fields. Identifiers are normally used to identify a form element such as a section or a field in WorkflowGen’s action parameters (e.g. FORM_FIELDS_REQUIRED
) or in the form’s ASP.NET code-behind.
Each identifier must be unique.
It must start with a letter.
It can only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters.
It is case sensitive.
Each field within a section will be automatically prefixed with the section’s identifier following an underscore character (e.g. section id=ACTION1; field id=ACTION1_MYFIELD1
Each field within a GridView field will be automatically prefixed with the GridView’s identifier following the underscore character (e.g. gridview id=ACTION1_MYGRIDVIEW1; field id=ACTION1_MYGRIDVIEW1_TITLE1
If the field is moved from one section to another section, then the field’s identifier will be automatically prefixed with the new section’s identifier.
If the section’s identifier is changed then all the fields within the section will be automatically prefixed with the new section’s identifier.
A tooltip with the full/real identifier of the element will be displayed when you mouseover the identifier input field.
The Tooltip menu in the toolbar will activate the field’s tooltip edit mode. You can change the tooltip for the form fields only. Tooltips are normally used to display more information about the field when the user moves the mouse pointer over it.
The Format menu in the toolbar will activate the field’s format edit mode. You can change the format of TextBox, Currency, Date, DateTime, Numeric, Label, ReadOnlyCurrency, ReadOnlyDate, ReadOnlyDateTime, ReadOnlyNumeric and ReadOnlyText fields. Formats are normally used to specify the way to capture and display a specific type of value based on the user’s language and culture.
Format types
The value is numeric
The value is a currency
Date Time (system)
WorkflowGen's default date time
Short date
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ 6/10/2019 (en-US)
Long date
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ Monday, June 10, 2019 (en-US)
Short time
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ 1:45 PM (en-US)
Long time
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ 1:45:30 PM (en-US)
Full date/time (short time)
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ Monday, June 10, 2019 1:45 PM (en-US)
Full date/time (long time)
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ Monday, June 10, 2019 1:45:30 PM (en-US)
General date/time (short time)
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ 6/10/2019 1:45 PM (en-US)
General date/time (long time)
6/10/2009 1:45:30 PM ➞ 6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM (en-US)
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ June 10 (en-US)
Round-trip date/time
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ 2019-06-10T13:45:30.0900000
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ Mon, 10 Jun 2019 20:45:30 GMT
Sortable date/time
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ 2019-06-10T13:45:30
Universal sortable date/time
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ 2019-06-10 20:45:30Z
Universal full date/time
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ Monday, June 10, 2019 8:45:30 PM (en-US)
6/10/2019 1:45:30 PM ➞ June, 2019 (en-US)
The column’s footer text can be plain text or an expression used to filter rows, calculate the values in a column, or create an aggregate column (e.g. to calculate a summary from all the row values of the same column: =SUM
). For more information, refer to DataColumn.Expression
at .