Administration Module Overview


The WorkflowGen Administration Module is a web application whose main functions are:

  • Managing directories, groups, and users

  • Defining processes and global information

  • Defining security relating to users and processes

Since these operations are highly sensitive, access to, and management of the Administration Module should be considered carefully.

Administration Module access

The Administration Module can be accessed through the following URL: http://yourwebsite/wfgen/admin/default.aspx.


Depending on the authentication method chosen by the WorkflowGen Administrator, you may have to enter a username and a password when you want to log in to WorkflowGen. These login credentials can also correspond to the ones used when you open a Windows session.

Language selection

You can choose a language from the home page of the Administration Module. If the list is not displayed, the application has been configured to use a specific language. The country beside the language allows the system to use the correct regional settings in the application (mainly in displaying dates or numeric values).

For example, English (United Kingdom) corresponds to an English GUI with the regional settings of the United Kingdom (date format: dd/mm/yyyy), while English (United States) corresponds to an English GUI with the regional settings of the United States (date format: m/d/yyyy).

Currently, you can choose from the following languages:

  • English (Australia)

  • English (Canada)

  • English (United Kingdom)

  • English (United States)

  • Français (Canada)

  • Français (France)

  • Français (Suisse)

  • Deutsch (Deutschland)

  • Deutsch (Schweiz)

  • Italiano (Italia)

  • Português (Portugal)

  • Español (España)

Administration Module structure

Click Directories in the banner menu to access the Directories screen.

Click Directories to open the Directories list.

Click Processes in the banner menu to open the Process folders list.

Click Participants in the banner menu to open the Participants list.

Click Applications in the banner menu to open the Applications list.

Click Categories in the banner menu to open the Categories list.

Click Global Lists in the banner menu to open the Global Lists list.

Click Portal in the banner menu to access the User Portal.

Process workflow

On the Administration Module home page, click an entry in the process list to access the Process workflow, which includes the following tabs:

  • Information

  • Participants

  • Data

  • Form

  • Workflow (in Graphical or List view)

Double-click an action in Graphical view or click an entry in List view to open the Edit action form, which includes the following tabs:

  • Information

  • Parameters

  • Next actions

  • Notifications

The Process workflow screen also includes the following links:

  • Full screen

  • Report

  • Test

Process management

In the process management section on the Administration Module home page, click:

  • Processes to access the Process folder list and subsequently the Process list and Process form.

  • Participants to access the Participants list and subsequently the Participants form.

  • Applications to access the Applications list and subsequently the Application form.

  • Categories to access the Categories list and subsequently the Category form.

  • Global Lists to access Global Lists (see Global Lists).

User management

In the user management section on the Administration Module home page, click:

  • Directories to access the Directories list and subsequently the Directory form (see Directories).

  • Users to access the Users list and subsequently the User form (see Users).

  • Groups to access the Groups list and subsequently the Group form (see Groups).

  • Delegations to access the Delegations list and subsequently the Delegation form (see Delegations).

  • Synchronization logs to access the Synchronizations logs list and subsequently the View log (see Directory Synchronization).

See User Management for information on how to use these features.

Configuration Panel

The Configuration Panel includes the following tabs:

  • General

  • Portal

  • Administration

  • Directory synchronization

  • Remote Approval

  • Diagnostic

  • Product information

See Configuration Panel for information on these settings.

Resource center

Click Resource center to access the WorkflowGen Resource center website.


Most of the information that is kept in the WorkflowGen database is identified through a combination internal ID name.

For technical reasons and legibility, these names must contain only characters: alphanumeric combinations, hyphen (-), and underscore (_) characters (no spaces).

Administrators can limit the characters to the ANSI table or allow the use of the entire range of alphanumeric characters, including double-byte characters (Unicode).

On the Administration tab in the Configuration Panel, select the Name encoding restriction checkbox. In most cases, the name must not be longer than 30 characters.


Access to the Administration Module is limited to users with an administrator profile and users that are participants designated as process managers. However, during the software installation, access control may be deactivated temporarily.

Once authentication is activated, the following restrictions apply:

  • Administrators have no access restrictions except for the Configuration Panel, which requires specific access rights (see the WorkflowGen Technical Guide for more information).

  • Process managers have access to the process definition and the statistics of their folders; however, they have no control over directories, groups, user management, delegations, global participants, or application management.

  • Process supervisors can access the statistics of their processes from the User Portal, but cannot log in to the Administration Module.

Deleting and archiving

To maintain the integrity of completed requests, information cannot be deleted if it relates to the process definition or to global data. Similarly, information used in real (active) requests made by users cannot be deleted.

Last updated