Parameters tab
Required parameters list
Name of the application or sub-process parameter required by the action; a link displays the parameter form in edit mode
Parameter direction
Process data associated to the parameter; a link displays the parameter form in edit mode
Additional parameters list
Parameter name; a link displays the parameter form in edit mode
The Add link displays a blank parameter form to add new data.
Parameter direction
Data associated to the parameter
Clicking x
deletes the parameter
Invalid parameters list
If there are parameters that are no longer required by the selected sub-process, they become invalid and will appear in this list and can be deleted manually.
Parameter editing screen
Unique identifier for the parameter; must respect nomenclature and be limited to 30 characters (required field)
Application parameters such as FORM_FIELDS_READONLY
are available through the Other parameters button. This is commonly associated with the name/ID of the form field.
✏️ Note: Parameter names should respect the following XML naming rules:
They should begin with a letter or an underscore
They should contain only letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, and periods
They should not contain spaces
They should not begin with the letters
in any case (e.g.xml
This button is only visible for actions that have at least one default application parameter defined
Parameter direction:
IN: When the action is instantiated, the value of the parameter is initialized with a text, or the value of a macro or process data.
OUT: When the action is being closed, the value of the parameter is stored in a process data value.
INOUT: When the action is instantiated, the value of the parameter is initialized with a text, or the value of a macro or process data, and then, when the action is being closed, the value of the parameter is stored in a process data value.
Send the value of
The IN value to send to the parameter Depending on the type of data to be associated, this value can be process data, a macro or a freeform text value.
Receive the value into
The process data where the OUT value of the parameter is stored
Save button
Save changes
Save and close button
Save changes and close the screen
Add button
Save the current parameter and display a blank form to add a new parameter
Delete button
Allow the deletion of the current parameter
Close button
Close the screen without saving
Editing parameter expressions
WorkflowGen supports VBScript and JavaScript expressions in action parameters, which can be created either directly as action parameter values, or in TEXT type process data mapped to action parameters as IN values.
Creating an expression as an action parameter value
Under Send the value of in the Edit parameter panel, choose a text and place the expression in the text area.
Next to Scripting, check Enable, then choose either JavaScript or VBScript.
Creating an expression as a TEXT process data
In the Edit data panel, place the expression in the Default value text area.
Tip: Click the pencil icon next to the Default value text area to open a larger text editor that includes JavaScript and VBScript syntax highlighting.
Specify the language either on the Mapping tab in the Form Designer, or in the Edit parameter panel:
In the Edit parameter panel, check Enable next to Scripting, then choose either JavaScript or VBScript.
On the Mapping tab in the Form Designer, choose the data's Value IN button, select the expression from the Data drop-down list, check Enable next to Scripting, then choose either JavaScript or VBScript.
All WorkflowGen macros are fully supported in both languages and are enclosed by < >
for the request number).
In both languages, the expected result must be either a number, a string, or a date.
This example would return the request number plus 5 in both JavaScript and VBScript:
No return
keyword is needed for expressions, with the exception of JavaScript inside a function. However, you cannot directly return the function; instead, it must be invoked and must return something like the following example, which would get tomorrow's date:
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