Configuration Panel


The Configuration Panel is used to configure the main settings for the WorkflowGen application. It can be accessed from the home page of the Administration Module or from the URL http://[servername]/wfgen/admin/Config.aspx.

Access to the Configuration Panel can be set in the WorkflowGen configuration file "web.config" found in the \wfgen directory of your site. To add administrators, add their user names (separated by commas) to the ApplicationConfigAllowedUsersLogin parameter. (The users must first have administrator profiles.)

The Configuration Panel is divided into the following tabs:

  • General: General WorkflowGen settings (e.g. database connection string)

  • Portal: User Portal settings (e.g. behavior, banner settings, etc.)

  • Administration: Administration Module settings (e.g. language settings)

  • Directory synchronization: Directory synchronization settings (e.g. logs, schedules)

  • Integration: Integration settings (e.g. GraphQL, webhooks)

  • Remote Approval: Remote Approval settings (e.g. log file trace level, mail server)

  • Diagnostic: File size usage and request-related errors

  • Product information: Product installation information page




This is the type of database that WorkflowGen is using, either Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle.

If you are using Oracle database, you can choose either Oracle (.NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle) or Oracle (Oracle Data Provider for .NET) as the database connection provider.


  • Oracle Data Provider for .NET is a feature preview, and is not recommended for existing WorkflowGen installations in production.

  • The Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) must be installed if ODP.NET is used as the database connection provider.

Master database connection string

The database scaling feature allows for the addition of database servers to significantly improve server performance and response times. The additional read-only replica database server can be used as a dedicated read-only server (SELECT SQL queries). The read-only database server is replicated from the existing master.

To test if the master database connection string entered is valid, click the Test button.

SQL server example:

Data Source=DB_SERVER_1;Initial Catalog=WFGEN;User ID=WFGEN_USER;Password=admin123!;

Read-only database connection string

The read-only or "Slave" database connection string. To test if the connection string entered is valid, click the Test button.

SQL server example:

Data Source=DB_SERVER_2;Initial Catalog=WFGEN;User ID=WFGEN_USER;Password=admin123!;


Select the Enable checkbox to activate the database scaling feature.


If the multi-database option is enabled, the checkboxes of the different Portal components will be activated. If checked, the different components will use the read-only database. Otherwise, if left unchecked, it will use the "Master" database.


If the multi-database option is enabled, the different Portal modules will be activated. If checked, the different modules will use the Read-only database. Otherwise, if left unchecked, it will use the "Master" database.


Web application URL (required)

The base URL of the web application. You can specify the protocol to use (HTTP or HTTPS), the IP or DNS name of the web server, and/or the TCP port of the website. To test if the value entered is valid, click the Test button.

URL example:


SMTP server

You can choose between two delivery methods:

  • Choose Server to use your SMTP server to send email notifications.

  • URI: The address of the SMTP server.

  • Connection timeout (seconds): The time in seconds allowed before server connection timeout. Default: 3

  • Choose Pickup directory to save email notifications in a pickup folder, and specify the path of the pickup folder. This option requires that you set up an SMTP gateway or external SMTP service to retrieve and send email notifications.

To test the SMTP configuration, click the Test button and provide sender and recipient email addresses. An email will be sent to the address you specified.

Instant messaging

See the SENDMESSAGE workflow application section for information on how to configure instant messaging in WorkflowGen.


The SMS provider (Twilio).


The Twilio API URL.

Account SID

The Twilio account security identifier.

Auth token

The Twilio authorization token.

Sender phone number

The telephone number of the instant message sender to display.


Enables instant messaging logs.



Select the authentication mode used to log in to WorkflowGen:

  • Windows manages authentication and user passwords in Windows.

  • WorkflowGen manages authentication and user passwords in WorkflowGen.

  • Custom manages authentication and user passwords using your own custom .NET HTTP module.

  • Forms manages authentication and user passwords using forms-based authentication.

Password management mode

  • Version 5 uses the same password management mode as earlier versions of WorkflowGen.

  • One-way Hashing (SHA256) stores hashed account passwords in the WorkflowGen database, which provides enhanced security.

Maximum login attempts

Sets the maximum number of user login attempts before the account is locked. Enter 0 for unlimited attempts.

Minimum password length

Sets the minimum length of user passwords.

Remove domain name prefix from the username (required)

You can specify a domain to remove from users' usernames when they log in to WorkflowGen. If this value is set to All, any domain name will be removed from the value.


Web apps secure mode

Enables data encryption in the communication between WorkflowGen and the web form. This feature has been available since version 5.6.1 for the built-in form designer, as well as any web forms using the libraries WorkflowGen.My and WorkflowFileUpload versions 2.3.3 and above.

To use this security feature, all web forms created with Visual Studio must be upgraded to use WorkflowGen.My and WorkflowFileUpload versions 2.3.3 or above before enabling this option.

Workflow engine service default identity (required)

The Windows Service identity to use in order to run the WorkflowGen services.

System operations allowed users (usernames separated by commas)

Usernames (separated by commas) of users who have permissions to perform system or sensitive administration operations through the API, such as process management and deployment, participant management, user management, group management, raise exception, complete activity instance, or other regular API operations through impersonation.

Working days and hours

New user default time zone

Sets what time zone is selected by default on the user’s home page on the Portal module. This is used when creating a new user account, whether manually or by directory synchronization. Since it is used only for account creation, it will not override the current user’s selected time zone.

Weekdays off (optional)

Specifies which weekdays are normally off. This is used by WorkflowGen to calculate process and action deadlines. Example: Selecting "Saturday, Sunday" will exclude these days from deadline calculations.

Working hours begin (required)

Specifies at which hour the workday begins (based on the current server time zone). This value is used by WorkflowGen to calculate the process and action deadlines. It will be converted to GMT for calculations. Example: "8" specifies that deadlines are to start being calculated at 8:00 a.m. every day.

Working hours end (required)

Specifies at which hour the workday ends (based on the current server time zone). This value is used by WorkflowGen to calculate the process and action deadlines. It will be converted to GMT for calculations. Example: "19" specifies that deadlines are to stop being calculated at 7:00 p.m. every day.

Working hours time zone

Specifies the time zone in which working hours begin and end.

Days off country (required)

Selects the country to be used to calculate the legal public holidays. This value is used by WorkflowGen to calculate the process and action deadlines, based on one of the DaysOff.*.resx files located in \wfgen\App_GlobalResources. These files can be updated and new ones can be created based on their regional settings. By default, it uses the DaysOff.en-US.resx resource file, which is based on the value of the EngineCountryDaysOff configuration setting in the WorkflowGen web.config file. Example: United States (English)

Special days off (d/m separated by comma (,)) (optional)

This value allows you to specify your custom days off. Example: "2/1, 11/1" specifies January 2nd and January 11th as holidays.


Defines the look and feel of the UI, including colors, margins, etc. The administrator can use the default skin or manually edit the CSS files to create a different look.



Application name (required)

Customizes the "WorkflowGen" word that is displayed in the User Portal. Example: "Acme Flow"

Application language

Defines the Portal language. Selecting User preference allows the user to choose their language, but you can impose one by selecting it in the list, in which case the language selection option will be hidden in the Portal User settings panel.

Display code names

Uncheck this to display process and action descriptions instead of code names.

Number of records per page displayed in lists (required)

Number of records displayed in different lists of the User Portal. Default: 10

Number of pages displayed in lists (required)

Number of pages displayed in different lists of the User Portal. Default: 10

Maximum number of records displayed in lists (required)

Limits the number of records displayed in a search or statistics (data) result list. Default: 1000

Maximum number of users in a list before filtering by name (required)

You can specify the maximum limit before a filter appears in user lists. Default: 100

Display new request in the home page

Display mode of the New request link on the User Portal home page. You can choose between:

  • Display requests

  • Display requests grouped by category

  • Display categories and hide processes

When a request is launched

When a new request is launched, you can choose how WorkflowGen behaves from the following:

  • Display the request follow-up form

  • Start first action

  • Display the follow-up form of the first action

Request launching

If this parameter is checked, the user has to confirm the launch of the new request.

When clicking on an action to do

  • Display the follow-up form of the action

  • Launch the action

When an action is completed

  • Display the follow-up form of the request

  • Display the follow-up form of the request or the next action

  • Display the follow-up form of the request (except if action to assign)

  • Display the follow-up form of the request (except if action to do)

  • Display the list of actions to do

  • Display the list of actions to do or the next action

  • Display the list of actions to do (except if action to assign)

  • Display the list of actions to do (except if action to do)

  • Display the homepage

  • Display the homepage or the next action

  • Display the homepage (except if action to assign)

  • Display the homepage (except if action to do)

  • Display the homepage and expand the actions to do

  • Display the homepage and expand the actions to do or the next action

  • Display the homepage and expand the actions to do (except if action to assign)

  • Display the homepage and expand the actions to do (except if action to do)

Action completion mode

Specifies if the action completion treatment is processed in the background (threading). This option can sometimes improve the response time to the end user or prevent timeout issues, especially if there are large amounts of processing after a web form submission.

Maximum number of records in home page list (required)

Maximum number of records in lists on the User Portal home page before showing pages.

Customized banner URL

URL of the banner displayed at the top of the User Portal. Example:

Customized banner height (optional)

Height of the banner (in pixels) displayed at the top of the User Portal. Example: 50

Search redirection

Specifies if the search result is redirected to the follow-up form when there is only one item found.

Advanced view

  • Display the result as a customizable report by default

  • Enable Quick approval by default: Enables the Display Quick approval buttons option in the Search form by default.

  • Enable custom column editing for process managers and supervisors

  • Enable custom column editing for standard users

  • Enable custom chart editing for process managers and supervisors

  • Enable custom chart editing for standard users

Displays URLs and email addresses as clickable links.

Process grouping

Specifies if the processes are grouped by category in the drop-down list box used to switch to the single process view.

Default process data column size (required)

Specifies the default width (in pixels) of the columns that display the associated data when the end-user UI is switched to the single-process view. Default: 150

Quick View: Activate Quick View

Allows you to enable or disable the Quick View functionality in the User Portal.

Quick View data name

Specifies the process data value to display within the Quick View dialog box. Example: FORM_ARCHIVE

Display Quick View on mouse event

You can choose between two different events to trigger the Quick View dialog box to open: Click (Default) or Hover ("mouseover").

Common process data name list

This parameter allows you to enter the same names and data types, which can then be used in a multi-process view.

For example, if you have a process data called CUSTOMER (TEXT) that is used in most of your processes, you can define it as Portal common process data by entering it in the Common process data name list field.

Note: When entering multiple data types in this parameter, each data type must be separated by a comma.

Calling card

User calling cards are enabled by default. Uncheck this to disable calling cards.


Delete ghost requests that are older than (days) (required)

Specifies the maximum number of days before deleting requests that have been launched but never assigned to a user, other than the requester. Default: 3

Maximum number of simultaneous instance creations per action (required)

The maximum number of simultaneous launches of the same process action. This parameter allows you to avoid simple loops at runtime. Example: 100

Request deletion

When this is selected, managers and supervisors can delete requests even if the process status is set to Active.

Associated data

Uncheck this to hide data with empty values in the follow-up form.

Request data lock timeout for concurrent applications (minutes) (required)

Request data will be locked during the time period specified in order to avoid "competition" for access to the same data. Example: 5

User notification

Email notification

  • Activate email notification: This parameter allows you to enable or disable email notifications. This will affect all processes regardless of their status.

  • Notify the user when they are both the sender and recipient of the notification: If this parameter is enabled, email notifications are sent even if the sender and recipient email addresses are the same.

Default sender name (optional)

Sets the default sender name for email notifications. If not set, the default sender email address will be displayed as the sender name.

Default sender email (required)

Sets the default email sender for email notifications. This is only used if a notification is sent by the system. Example:

Default reply-to email (required)

Default email address for replies to email notifications.

Maximum number of users to notify (required)

Maximum number of simultaneous email notifications that can be sent by WorkflowGen. Example: 100

Maximum attachment size (MB) (required)

Maximum size of attachments to requests in megabytes.

Notification default language

If the user has no default or preferred language selected, this parameter is used to specify which language to use for the email notification texts.

Displays URLs and email addresses as clickable links.

Log level

This sets the type of information stored in the notification log file.

  • 0 – Disabled: No log file will be created.

  • 1 – Errors only: The log file will display only information pertaining to errors.

  • 2 – All notifications: The log file will contain information pertaining to errors and notifications, such as the time stamp and the recipient’s email address.


Activate user delegation

If this parameter is checked, end-users can delegate their tasks to other WorkflowGen users. Otherwise, only administrators are able to manage the delegation rules from the Administration Module.

Host application

This is used to specify the URL of the host application. For example, in SharePoint, you can create a webpart to display and use the WorkflowGen User Portal or Administration Module in the same way as a stand-alone web browser. This way, a user can remain in the SharePoint portal and use WorkflowGen at the same time without having to work in separate windows.

In this case, you have to specify the host URL in order for WorkflowGen to function properly inside the SharePoint webpart.

CORS configuration is required to use the host application feature. See the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) section in the WorkflowGen Technical Guide for instructions on how to enable it.


Throw an exception when a self service assignment error occurs

This option will force WorkflowGen to throw an assignment exception error when a self service action is assigned to an invalid user. You should design your process to handle assignment exceptions, otherwise it will halt your workflow.


Number of users displayed in report (required)

Number of users displayed in statistic reports. Example: 10

Number of actors displayed in report (required)

Number of actors displayed in statistic reports. Example: 10

Number of requesters displayed in report (required)

Number of requesters displayed in statistic reports. Example: 10

Displays URLs and email addresses as clickable links.

Export format

You can choose between two different formats when exporting the results generated from a data statistics report. The available formats are:

  • CSV (comma-separated values): This format does not support Unicode characters. Note: You can configure different separators for certain languages and/or cultures by modifying the CSVFieldDelimiter value in the language's \wfgen\App_GlobalResources\Advantys.Workflow.Web.UI.Portal.*.resx file.

  • Unicode text (tab separator): The values are separated by tab characters but the Unicode character range is supported.


Activate portal comments

Enables or disables User Portal comments.

Maximum number of comments displayed on the home page

Sets the total number of comments that can be displayed on the home page.

Auto-refresh frequency (required)

Sets the follow-up form comments list auto-refresh rate in milliseconds. Use the value 0 to disable the auto-refresh feature. Default: 300000 (5 minutes)

Window pop-up width (required)

Sets the action runtime menu comments list window pop-up width size in pixels. Default: 380

Note: The following corresponding style widths must be updated separately in the Portal’s Cascading Style Sheet (\App_Themes\Default\portal\css\Default.css) when the pop-up width is changed:

  • div.CommentsViewOpenedRightAlign

  • div.CommentsViewSubOpenedRightAlign

  • div.CommentsViewOpenedPopUpRightAlign

  • div.CommentsViewSubOpenedPopUpRightAlign

  • .CommentsListHeader .ListRow .CellOpenedRightAlign

  • .CommentsList .ListRow .ListCell .Comment .Row .CellHeader

  • .CommentsListInput .ListRow .ListCell .NewComment .Row .Cell .TextArea

Window pop-up height (pixels) (required)

Sets the action runtime menu comments list window pop-up height size in pixels. Default: 550

Note: The following corresponding styles height must be updated separately in the Portal’s Cascading Style Sheet (\App_Themes\Default\portal\css\Default.css) when the pop-up height is changed.

  • div.CommentsListBodyPopUp

  • div.CommentsListBodyPopUpHidden

  • div.CommentsListBodyPopUpReadOnly

  • div.CommentsListBodyPopUpReadOnlyHidden

Default sort field

Sets the default comment list sort by field. Default: date

Default sort order

Sets the default comment list sort order. Default: ascending

Default display mode

Expand the comments view displays the comment list the first time the follow-up form is displayed. Default: unchecked (hidden)



Application language

Allows you to define the application language for the Administration Module. Selecting User preference allows users to choose their own language, but you can impose one by selecting a language from the list.

Number of records displayed in lists (required)

Number of records displayed in lists of the Administration Module. Default: 100

Number of pages displayed in lists (required)

Number of pages displayed in lists of the Administration Module. Default: 10

Maximum number of users in a list before filtering by name (required)

You can specify a maximum limit before a filter appears in the users’ lists. Default: 100

Name encoding restriction (required)

If Restrict name encoding to ANSI character set is checked, only ANSI characters are permitted in the "Name" fields. If this parameter is not checked, only special characters (', ", tab, space, %, /, \, *) are discarded.


Associate actions with participants in swim lanes

Enable this option to keep actions in their respective participants' swim lanes in the workflow designer.

Default condition language

Sets the default language for conditions: JavaScript or VBScript.


Databind data providers

The databind data providers, separated by commas ( , ).

Maximum number of undo operations (required)

Sets the maximum number of undo operations in the form designer. Default: 30


New user default language

When a new user is created, the language selected here will be applied to their profile as their default language.

Check deletion rules when displaying users, groups, and directories

Enables the deletion rules check for users, groups, and directories. Disable this option to improve list and form response times.


Restrict process managers from editing global participants

Disables process managers’ permissions to modify a global participant’s information (either via the process participants or while importing a process) such as name, description, and user/group/directory associations.

Note: Even if this option is enabled, process managers cannot create new global participants.

Directory synchronization


Synchronize only group members that are associated with a participant

If this option is enabled, the directory synchronization will synchronize the group’s members only if the group is associated to at least one participant. This option is useful to reduce synchronization run time by skipping a group’s member synchronization when the group is not used in a participant.

Maximum number of users to delete per synchronization cycle (required)

Defines the maximum number of account deletions per synchronization run. This option is useful for batch account deletion in order to optimize synchronization performance. The default is 0 (unlimited).


Remove temporary files

If Automatically delete old log files is selected, the temporary XML files created by WorkflowGen are removed once the synchronization is complete.

Detailed report

If Display Update entries in logs is selected, the synchronization logs each action performed on the directory data.

Keep log files history for (days) (required)

Number of days before deleting the log files. Example: 31

Display warnings in logs

If this is selected, warnings will be displayed in the log files.

Automatic synchronization

Week day for the weekly synchronization

Day of the week to perform the automatic weekly synchronization (e.g. Monday).

Month date for the monthly synchronization

Date of the month to perform the automatic monthly synchronization (e.g. 1 for the 1st of the month)

Start synchronization at

Hour of the day to perform the automatic monthly synchronization (in 24-hour format).



Maximum page size

Maximum page size for page number based pagination (default: 30; maximum: 100).

Default page number

Default page number for page number based pagination (default: 1)

Default page size

Default page size for page number based pagination (default: 30).


Enable GraphiQL (default: enabled).

Data caching

Enable data caching.

Debug mode

Enable debug mode.

Query timeout (ms)

The query execution timeout in milliseconds.

Operation timeout (ms)

The operation execution timeout in milliseconds.

Maximum operations per query

The maximum number of operations per query.

Maximum input file size (kB)

The maximum file size to send in FILE type parameter URLs.


Debug mode

Enable debug mode.

Operation timeout (ms)

The operation execution timeout in milliseconds.


System operations allowed users (usernames separated by commas)

Usernames (separated by commas) of users who have permissions to perform system or sensitive administration operations through the API, such as process management and deployment, participant management, user management, group management, raise exception, complete activity instance, or other regular API operations through impersonation.

Remote Approval

See the Remote Approval section for information on setting up Remote Approval, such as approval emails, actions, and questions.

Remote Approval


Enable Remote Approval.

Refresh interval (seconds) (required)

Refresh interval for Remote Approval email (in seconds). Default: 180 seconds

Quick mode

Enables Quick mode, which lets the user reply to approval emails on one line, without any other formatting necessary (the user can still leave an optional comment on the second line). Default: disabled

Subject line validation

Enable this mode to use the action reference code in the subject line for validation. Default: disabled (recommended for greater security)

Case sensitive answer

Enable this to enforce case sensitivity on email answers. Default: disabled

Log file trace level

Sets the amount and type of information stored in the notification log file:

  • 0 – Disabled: None (no log file will be created)

  • 1 – General messages: Execution summary messages only

  • 2 – Error messages: Exception error messages only

  • 3 – General and error messages: Execution summary messages and exception error messages

  • 4 – Full details for debugging (including Event Viewer): Execution summary messages and full detail exception messages (including Event Viewer information logs)

Log file life span (days)

Sets the life span for temporary log files. Default: 1 day

Incoming mail server

Server address (required)

The address (or, if using Exchange, the name) of the server to receive emails.


The port number for an IMAP or POP connection (not required for Exchange).


Type of email server (POP, IMAP, Exchange 2007, or Exchange 2010).


Enables SSL (use SSL for Exchange). Default: None

Default reply-to email (required)

Email address for Remote Approval to send and receive approval emails.

Username (required)

Username used to log in to the POP, IMAP, or Exchange server.

Password (required)

Password used to log in to the POP, IMAP, or Exchange server.


The domain name for the incoming Exchange server account.


File size

The total size refers to the combined size of all the files on the server. The average size refers to the average size of the files on the server. The maximum size refers to the largest file on the server.

Stuck requests

This refers to a request that is open, but with no follow-up action associated with it. It is an irregular request.

Automatic actions in timeout

Displays a list of actions that have timed out.

Unexpected errors

Displays a list of errors that are not timeout errors.

Product information

License information


The current version of the WorkflowGen installation.

Serial number

The activation serial number of the WorkflowGen installation, and copyright information.

Assembly versions

The various library versions used by the WorkflowGen application.

Last updated