
Application screen



New application

Displays a blank application form to add a new application


Refreshes the displayed application list


Filter on *



Filters by application name


Filters by application description

* A filter can be applied to a part of a field.

External filters


Actives only

Displays active applications only

Application form




Unique identifier for the application; must respect nomenclature and be limited to 30 characters (required field)


Application description limited to 255 characters (required field)


Application type:

  • Assembly

  • Asynchronous Web Procedure

  • WCF Service

  • Web application

  • Web procedure

  • SOAP web service

  • Incoming webhook

  • Non-interactive Client


The relative or the absolute URL of the application; both will work (required field)


Username *

Username to be used if an authentication is required to access the application’s URL

Password *

Password to be used if an authentication is required to access the application’s URL


Type of data encoding to be used when the application returns to WorkflowGen:

  • Default (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

  • Upload (multipart/form-data),

  • application/xml; charset=UTF-8


Application parameters (a link displays the parameters form in edit mode)

Default application

If checked the application is the default one


If checked the application is active

XML schema

Choose between an ADO recordset or WorkflowGen schema types

Schema definition

If checked the schema will be embedded inline in the XML

* Only needed by the web procedures and the web services.

Application list screen

Application list




Display the application in order list


Application name (a link displays the application form in edit mode)


Application description


Application is active


Number of actions in which the application is used

Edit parameters list screen




Application parameter name

Data type

Application parameter data type


Application parameter direction


Required parameter


Optional parameter; displays the parameter in the parameter list of the actions based on the current application by default

Deletion *

Link to delete the application parameter

* The delete link is identified by an x visible only if the application is not used by a process action.

To add a parameter, click the Parameters link on the Edit application screen, then click Add on the Edit parameters list screen.

Add application parameters




Application parameter name (required field)


Application parameter description (required field)

Data type

Application parameter data type:

  • Text

  • Numeric

  • Date/Time

  • File


Application parameter directions:

  • IN (input)

  • OUT (output)

  • INOUT (input/output)


Is this parameter required?

  • Yes (disables the default property)

  • No (enables the default property)


If checked, the parameter is displayed in the parameter list of the action based on the current application

Note: Application parameter names should respect the following XML naming rules:

  • They should begin with a letter or an underscore

  • They should contain only letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, and periods

  • They should not contain spaces

  • They should not begin with the letters XML in any case (e.g. xml or Xml)

For more information, see

Deleting an application

An application cannot be deleted if it is used in a process.

Deleting a parameter

A parameter cannot be deleted if its application is used in a process.

Assembly application

This application allows you to declare a .NET class method as a workflow application. It is the fastest solution to develop a custom workflow application (compared to web services). The execution performance is exceptional because WorkflowGen instantiates the assembly directly without network communication or web service authentication.


  1. Copy a sample .dll assembly into a WorkflowGen bin folder.

  2. In the Administration Module, click Applications and then New application.

  3. Enter the following information in the appropriate fields:


    • Description: Returns a string with a ! (exclamation point)

    • Type: Assembly

  4. Assembly full name or path: WorkflowAppSample

  5. Click Save.

Class full name: Select WorkflowApp.Test

Method: Select GetString

These parameters are automatically generated:

IN message (Text)


You can now use this workflow application in your process.

WCF service application

This application allows you to declare a WCF service client proxy .NET class method as a workflow application.


  1. In the WorkflowGen Administration Module, click Applications and then New application.

  2. Enter the following information in the appropriate fields:


    • Description: Returns a string with a ! (exclamation point)

    • Type: WCF service

  3. Assembly full name or path: WorkflowAppWCFSampleTest

  4. Click Save.

Class full name: Select workflowAppWCFSampleTest.ServiceClient

Method: Select GetString

These parameters are automatically generated:

IN message (Text)


You can now use this workflow application in your process.


WSDL web services


WorkflowGen supports web services based on the SOAP standard. This means that web services can now be integrated into WorkflowGen to be used by process actions, without the need to program them. WorkflowGen can now use predefined web services and reference them by using their WSDL (Web Services Description Language) file.

A URL to the WSDL file defining the web service is required to display the available web methods that can be called by WorkflowGen. Once the WSDL is referenced and saved (in the WorkflowGen application definition), and one of its defined web methods are selected, the WorkflowGen application parameters are automatically generated.

The data types of the parameters are mapped to the corresponding WorkflowGen data types (numeric, text, datetime). All complex XML types are mapped to a WorkflowGen file data.

Public web services

Public web services are web services that are available for public re-use. To reference one as a WorkflowGen Application, follow the example below.

Creating a WSDL web service

  1. In the Administration Module, create a new WorkflowGen application and define the following:

    • Name

    • Description

    • Type: Web service

    • Username: A valid WorkflowGen Administrator

    • Password: The valid password for the username

  2. Reference a web service and WSDL by defining a URL to a valid web service and to its related WSDL file and save the application. URL example:

    WSDL example:
  3. Select the web method to use. The WSDL defines which web methods are available to be used. Once you select a web method and save the application, the associated parameters are automatically mapped and the application may now be used by process actions.

Private web service example


Private web services are web services that are not available for public re-use. They generally use a secure URL that requires the proper authentication. To reference one as a WorkflowGen application, follow the example below.

Creating a WSDL web service

  1. In the Administration Module, create a new WorkflowGen application and define the following:

    • Name

    • Description

    • Type: Web service

    • Username: A valid WorkflowGen Administrator

    • Password: The valid password for the username

  2. Reference a web service and WSDL by defining a URL to a valid web service and to its related WSDL file and save the application.

    The examples below demonstrate the use of a web service located on a SharePoint 2007 website. In this example, the web service is called lists.asmx. For more information, see URL example:


    WSDL example:

  3. Select the web method to use. The WSDL defines which web methods are available to be used. Once you select a web method and save the application, the associated parameters are automatically mapped and the application can now be used by process actions.

WSDL web service action: other parameters


WorkflowGen will create some extra parameters when referencing a WSDL. Other parameters can also be used in addition to those already defined in the WSDL file.

Other parameters

The other parameters that are defined by WorkflowGen are:

  • RETURN_VALUE: If the web service returns a value, WorkflowGen will automatically add an OUT parameter.

  • WFG_WS_URL: Specify a web service URL to override the predefined URL.

  • WFG_WS_USERNAME: Specify a username to override the predefined username.

  • WFG_WS_PASSWORD: Specify a password to override the predefined password.

Last updated