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The arrows allow the data display order to be modified (this can also be done by drag-and-drop)
This affects the position of the data in the User Portal as well.
Data name; a link displays the data form in edit mode
To add new data, click New data to open a blank data form.
Data description
Data type
Type of data
Direction *
Direction of the sub-process parameter
* Only displayed if the process was defined as a sub-process.
The options available in the Edit data panel vary depending on the data file type (File, Text, Numeric, or Date/Time).
Sections / Fields
Unique identifier for the data; must respect nomenclature and be limited to 30 characters (required field)
✏️ Note: Data names should respect the following XML naming rules:
They should begin with a letter or an underscore
They should contain only letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, and periods
They should not contain spaces
They should not begin with the letters XML
in any case (e.g. xml
or Xml
Lists the IDs of all the form fields created with the built-in form designer and enables it to manually select the fields with their IDs to declare as process data
✏️ Note: This button appears on the Add data form.
Data description limited to 255 characters (required field)
Data type
Type of data (required field):
Includes automatic detection of URLs (http://
) and email addresses and displays them as links rather than plain text
Default value
Default value of the data
In both editors, press Ctrl+Space
to display a drop-down list from which you can choose and insert process data and WorkflowGen macros.
Only applicable to Numeric and Date/Time type data. Upon saving the data, the Format drop-down will be populated with the following formats:
Numeric formats:
Custom (user-defined)
Currency ({0:C}
Decimal ({0:D}
Scientific ({0:E}
Fixed-point ({0:F}
General ({0:G}
Number ({0:N}
Percent ({0:P}
Round-trip (float) ({0:R}
Hexadecimal ({0:X}
Date/Time formats:
Custom (user-defined)
Short date
Long date
Full date/time (short time)
Full date/time (long time)
General date/time (short time)
General date/time (long time)
Month day
Round-trip date/time
RFC 1123 date/time
Sortable date/time (ISO 8601)
Short time
Long time
Universal sortable date/time
Universal full date/time
Year month
Displays associated format; allows custom formats to be specified if Custom formatting is specified above.
Number of decimal places displayed (for applicable formats)
Force data to display using the selected culture (language format); the default value is the current user’s culture.
Time zone
Applicable only to Date/Time type data. Specifying a specific time zone will force data to display using the selected time zone. The default value is the current user’s time zone.
New file [1]
File to update/add
Choose file
Displays a file browser in a pop-up window
Sub-process parameter [2]
Direction of the data when used as parameter by a parent process
Defines participants who have access to the data; a link allows data access to be restricted to certain participants or processes.
✏️ Note: You can only select from Participants with Requester or Actor roles.
Defines visibility options
✏️ Note: Data visibility is still updatable on active or archived processes.
Option 1: Show the data into the follow-up forms (checked by default)
The selected data will be visible in the following places:
Request and Action follow-up forms
Default notification messages (e-mails)
Action data pop-up window
Search criteria list
✏️ Note: Unchecking this option disables and unchecks the three other options.
Option 2: Search criteria by default (unchecked by default)
The selected data will appear in every search screen as selected criteria without search parameters.
✏️ Note: You can only filter by the data defined in the active process version or the latest process version if none are active.
Option 3: Display in column in the lists (unchecked by default)
The selected data will appear in every action or request list in a column when a single process is selected (single-process mode).
Option 4: Display in column in home page (unchecked by default)
The selected data will appear in the home page in a column when a single process is selected (single-process mode).
Column size (in pixels)
Define the data column size in the lists and home page; enabled when visibility option 3 or visibility option 4 is checked
Define data as read-only
This saves disk space when used on file process data by associating a single copy of the file per process for all closed actions and closed requests.
✏️ Note: An action’s OUT and INOUT parameters using data declared as read-only will not be updated.
⚠️ Caution: In general, don't define EFORM applications'FORM_DATA
elements (which contain the data of a form) as read-only.
Only displayed if the process data is a file.
Only displayed if the process was defined as a sub-process.
The type of data can only be changed if the data are not used:
By the parameters of the actions of the process
In the dynamic assignment of an action of the process
In the transition or notification conditions
If the data is not a parameter of a sub-process that is in use
Data cannot be deleted if they are involved in the workflow of the process (as a parameter or in the transition conditions). Data cannot be deleted if they are set as a sub-process parameter and used by a parent process.
For more information, see .
For text type data: Click the icon to open the Edit text inline editor.
For file type data: Click the icon to open the Create file or Edit file inline editor. You can specify a file name (otherwise the file will be saved with the data name by default) and the file will be saved with the extension that matches its type. If you enter an extension that doesn’t match the file type, it will be appended with the correct extension. Alternately, click Browse or Choose file (depending on your browser) to choose a file. (If you choose a file in a format not supported by the editor, you will not be able to edit it and so the pencil icon will not appear.)