
Process workflow screen (list view)

Actions list view

Click the List link to see this view.

Button / Column


New action

Opens the Select an action type window and then the Add action form


Updates the action list


Deletes the selected action


The arrows allow the action display order to be modified within the process workflow


Action name

A link displays the action form in edit mode. The Add link on the Edit action screen displays a blank action form to add new Help data)


Action description

Previous actions

Lists actions preceding the current action within the workflow

Next actions

Lists actions following the current action within the workflow

A link displays the Edit action form, which lists actions that following the current one. The Add link on the Edit action form displays the action form in edit mode for each following action.

HTML5 graphical process workflow designer

WorkflowGen features an HTML5 graphical process workflow designer, built on the latest HTML5 and SVG standards, with a simpler user interface and improved behavior for a more fluid design experience. It also provides greater compatibility with different design environments (such as mobile devices) that might not support Flash, which was the mode used in previous versions of WorkflowGen.

Process workflow screen (graphical view)

Actions graphical view

Click the Graphical link to see this view.




Save the layout

Save the current layout of the workflow diagram

Print the diagram

Print the current diagram

Add participant

Add a new participant to the process

Add action

Add a new action to the process

Add synchronization

Add a synchronization action to the process

Add end point

Add an end point to the process

Add comment

Add a comment to the process

Add text

Add text to the process

Add break points

Add break points to transitions

Choose auto positioning mode

Switch between auto and manual positioning mode for the transition anchors

Show assignment methods

Show assignment methods on actions

Display vertical swimlanes

Add a vertical swim lane overlay on the graphical view with actions displayed in the participant columns

Display horizontal swimlanes

Add a horizontal swim lane overlay on the graphical view with actions displayed in the participant rows

Display vertical panels

Add a vertical panel overlay on the graphical view with actions displayed in the participant columns

Display horizontal panels

Add a horizontal panel overlay on the graphical view with actions displayed in the participant columns

Display color picker

Display a color picker from which you can choose the swimlane/panel and the background color

Decrease zoom

Decrease the zoom scale by 15%

Increase zoom

Increase the zoom scale by 15%

Maximize canvas

Maximizes the canvas size

Return to default canvas size

Returns to the default canvas size

Graphical workflow designer functions



Add an element (action, synchronization, endpoint, comment, text)

Drag and drop the element from the toolbar onto the canvas.

Delete an element (action, synchronization, endpoint, comment, text)

Click the element, then click the x that appears in the top right corner.

Add a transition

Click the action and click the down arrow, then drag and drop it onto the desired action.

Add a transition loop

Click the action and click the down arrow, then drag and drop the transition onto the same action.

Delete a transition

Click the transition, then click the x that appears in the top right corner.

Add a condition

Double-click the transition.

Add more than one condition to a transition

You cannot add more than one condition to a single transition. Instead, create a new transition between the actions and add the condition here.

Update a condition

Double-click the transition or condition.

Delete a condition

Click the condition, then click the x that appears in the top right corner.

Delete a participant

Click the participant, then click the x that appears in the top right corner.

Auto positioning mode

Click the auto positioning mode tool then choose one of the options.

Add a breakpoint

Click the add breakpoint tool then click the transition (breakpoints will be created individually). As well, clicking the breakpoint tool will show all of the existing breakpoints.

Delete a breakpoint

Click the breakpoint, then click the x that appears in the top right corner or press the DELETE key (only the selected breakpoint will be deleted). In the case of loop transitions, a minimum of two breakpoints are required.

Change the position of a loop transition

Change the position of each of the breakpoints so that the transition points to the new position.

Change the target/source of a transition

Click the transition, hover over the target/source of a transition until the hand pointer appears, then drag and drop the target/source onto another action.

Change the loop of an action toward another action

Click the loop, then change the target and the source toward the other action.

Resize swimlanes

Click the participant, place the pointer over the border between participants, click the border, then drop it on the new position.

Change the order of participants

Click the participant, then drag and drop it onto the new position (the orange header indicates the new position of the participant).

Associate actions with participants in swimlanes

Can be enabled and disabled in the Workflow section on the Administration tab in the Configuration Panel.


The zoom percentage is displayed in the top right corner of the workflow.