Read Scale-Out


This section provides instructions on how to configure the optional Read Scale-Out feature, which allows load balancing of SQL Database read-only workloads using a read-only replica rather than a read-write replica. For more information on this feature, see the Use read-only replicas to offload read-only query workloads Microsoft article.


  • Make sure to have either a Premium or a Business Critical service tier.

  • You must have permissions to make changes to the database in the Azure portal.

Read Scale-Out configuration

Step 1: Enable the Read Scale-Out feature in PowerShell

  1. Install or update the Azure PowerShell module in PowerShell by running the following commands:

    Install-Module -Name AzureRM -AllowClobber
    Import-Module -Name AzureRM

    For more information, see the Install Azure PowerShell Microsoft article.

  2. Log in to your Microsoft Azure account in PowerShell by running the following command:


    If you encounter any security issues with the Microsoft Azure sign-in process, then you must manually add and all related websites' URIs to the Trusted sites zone in Internet Explorer's Internet Options.

  3. Enable the Read Scale-Out feature in PowerShell by running the following command:

    Set-AzureRmSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName <resource group> -ServerName <server name> -DatabaseName <database name> -ReadScale Enabled
    • Replace <resource group> with the resource group name.

    • Replace <server name> with the server name (e.g.

    • Replace <database name> with the database name (e.g. WFGEN).

You can also enable Read Scale-Out feature using the Azure SQL Database Rest API.

Step 2: Configure WorkflowGen

  1. Go to the Database section on the Configuration Panel General tab.

  2. In the Master database connection string field, add the ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite parameter to the existing connection string and click Test to test the database availability. Here's an example of a connection string:

    Data;Initial Catalog=WFGEN;User ID=wfgen_user;Password=Admin123!;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;
  3. In the Read-only database connection string field, add (or edit) the connection string with the new ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly parameter, and click Test to test the database availability. Here's an example of a connection string:

    Data;Initial Catalog=WFGEN;User ID=wfgen_user;Password=Admin123!;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly;
  4. Check the Multi-database option.

  5. Check the User Portal components and modules that will use the Read-only database. For more information about this, see Database in the WorkflowGen Administration Guide.