Custom Domain Names


This section describes some ways to configure domain names in Docker.

Internal domain names

In Docker, there is an internal DNS that handles domain names for containers and machines. You can easily configure an internal domain name for each container just by passing simple parameters. See the following link for more information:

Public-facing domain name

For domain names that are public, you'll typically need an external service (e.g. NameCheap or AWS Route 53) that sells domain names, and then configure that service to point to the public IP of the public-facing containers.

Obtaining a public IP address

All you need to do is to expose the port of the container (or service) you need and it will be available publicly.

docker container run `
    # ...
    -p 80:80 `
    # ...

This will expose the container port 80 to the host's port 80. The public IP is that of the Docker host.

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