Manual Installation


The following procedure applies to the setup using the WorkflowGen manual installation pack.

Installation pack

Start by extracting the manual installation pack (.zip) to a temporary folder on the WorkflowGen web server (e.g. DRIVE:\temp).

The installation pack contains these folders:

  • Databases: the database creation scripts for both SQL Server and Oracle

  • Inetpub: the WorkflowGen application files

  • Program Files: the WorkflowGen Windows services application file

WorkflowGen files and folders architecture

The recommended physical directory structure for WorkflowGen web application files and folders should be under DRIVE:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wfgen. This folder contains static resources such as images, HTML files and process data, and the applications used by WorkflowGen.

  1. Copy the source \Inetpub folder to your destination DRIVE:\ (e.g. DRIVE:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wfgen).

  2. Copy the source Advantys folder (\Program Files\Advantys) to your destination DRIVE:\Program Files (e.g. DRIVE:\Program Files\Advantys\WorkflowGen\Services\bin).

    Note: If you already have another version of WorkflowGen installed on the same server and you want to keep your previous WorkflowGen services, we suggest you choose another installation folder for version 7 (e.g. DRIVE:\Program Files\Advantys\WorkflowGen v7\Services\bin).

Database creation

Important: WorkflowGen does not support case sensitive collation, so you must set up the database to be case insensitive to avoid errors.

MS SQL Server configuration

Option 1: Using the automated CreateWFGSQLDatabase.vbs database creation script

  1. Run the DRIVE:\temp\pack\Databases\MsSQLServer\CreateWFGSQLDatabase.vbs database creation script.

  2. Choose Yes to confirm the database creation.

  3. Enter the MS SQL Server instance name.

  4. Enter a Catalog name (e.g. WFGEN).

  5. Enter an MS SQL Server administrator account name (e.g. sa).

  6. Enter the administrator password.

  7. Enter a database data (mdf) and logging (ldf) destination folder (e.g. DRIVE:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA).

  8. Enter a maximum size for the data and log files in megabytes (e.g. 1000). We suggest changing this later to unrestricted growth for both data and logging files in the MS SQL Server Management Studio tool.

  9. Enter a database connection username (e.g. WFGEN_USER).

  10. Enter the database connection user password.

  11. Click OK to create the database.

Note: The SQL Server user account created in step 9 will only have the db_datareader and db_datawriter permissions on the WorkflowGen database, and can be used in the WorkflowGen web application database connection.

Option 2: Create the database manually using SQL scripts

  1. Open the SQL Server Management Studio tool and connect to your database server with an administrator account (e.g. SA).

  2. Create a new database (e.g. WFGEN).

  3. Create a new SQL Server user account (e.g. WFGEN_USER).

  4. Give this user db_datawriter and db_datareader permissions for the WFGEN database.

  5. Open the DRIVE:\temp\pack\Databases\MsSQLServer source folder and run the following SQL database creation scripts on the new database instance in the following order:

    1. Create_WFG-V7-0_SQL_Tables.sql

    2. Create_WFG-V7-0_SQL_PKeys.sql

    3. Create_WFG-V7-0_SQL_FKeys.sql

    4. Create_WFG-V7-0_SQL_Indexes.sql

    5. Create_WFG-V7-0_SQL_Triggers.sql

    6. Create_WFG-V7-0_SQL_Const.sql

Azure SQL database configuration

Azure SQL database needs to be created and configured manually; see the Azure SQL database configuration section for instructions on how to do this.

Oracle database configuration

Important: An Oracle database instance will NOT be created with this script. It is necessary to provide an existing empty Oracle database instance prior to the installation of WorkflowGen. See Requirements for installation on Oracle databases for Oracle database installation parameters.

Option 1: Using the CreateWFGOracleDatabase.vbs automated database creation script

  1. Run the DRIVE:\temp\pack\Databases\Oracle\CreateWFGOracleDatabase.vbs database creation script.

  2. Click Yes to confirm the database creation.

  3. Enter the Oracle database instance name you created (e.g. WFGEN).

  4. Enter the administrator account name you created (e.g. WFGEN_USER).

  5. Enter the administrator password.

  6. Click OK to create the database.

Option 2: Create the database manually with SQL scripts

  1. Open DBA studio, SQL Plus, or SQL Developer.

  2. Connect to your Oracle database instance with the administrator account you created.

  3. Open the DRIVE:\temp\pack\Databases\Oracle source folder and run the following database creation SQL scripts on the new database instance in the following order:

    1. Create_WFG-V7-0_Oracle_Crebas.sql

    2. Create_WFG-V7-0_Oracle_Const.sql

WorkflowGen Administrator account setup

WorkflowGen requires a valid Windows NT or Active Directory account. This account will be used by the WorkflowGen Administrator, but it is not necessary to define it as a NT or Active Directory Administrator.

  • You can use an existing user account or create a new user account with the name Domain\wfgen_admin.

  • If you use a different account name other than wfgen_admin, then you MUST change the WorkflowGen Administrator username in the WorkflowGen database. To do this, in the Users table, find the record with the column USERNAME value wfgen_admin, then change it to your custom user account name.

WorkflowGen web configuration

  1. Open and edit the DRIVE:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wfgen\web.config WorkflowGen web configuration file.

  2. Update the database connection string:

    • MS SQL Server: <add name="MainDbSource" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=WFGEN;User ID=WFGEN_USER;Password=Admin123!;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

    • Azure SQL Database: See the Azure SQL database configuration section

    • Oracle: <add name="MainDbSource" connectionString="Data Source=WFGEN;User ID=WFGEN_USER;Password=Admin123!;" providerName="System.Data.OracleClient" />

  3. Update the "WorkflowGen Administrator" username to allow access to the configuration panel (e.g. <add key="ApplicationConfigAllowedUsersLogin" value="wfgen_admin" />).

  4. Set an SMTP server or SMTP gateway name (e.g. <add key="ApplicationSmtpServer" value="smtpservername" />).

  5. Update the application URL (e.g. <add key="ApplicationUrl" value="http://yoursite/wfgen" />).

  6. Set a default email sender for the notification (e.g. <add key="EngineNotificationDefaultSender" value="" />).

  7. Add a 32-character alphanumeric encryption key (e.g. <add key="ApplicationSecurityPasswordSymmetricEncryptionKey" value="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX....." />).

WorkflowGen Windows Services installation


  • The user or identity used to run WorkflowGen Windows Services must be an administrator, be part of the Administrators group, or be a Windows system account (such as Local System). You can check this by running services.msc.

  • If you have specified a custom installation path for the services, you will need to update the path inside the DRIVE:\Program Files\Advantys[Custom WorkflowGen]\Services\bin\winsvc-install.cmd script (e.g. %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe /i "C:\Program Files\Advantys\[Custom WorkflowGen]\Services\bin\WfgDirectoriesSyncService.exe").

  • If you are installing these services along with previous WorkflowGen services on the same server, you will need to provide a new service name (e.g. WorkflowGenEngineServiceV7) for both the Engine and Directory services in their configuration files ([WfgWorkflowEngineService.exe].config: <add key="ServiceName" value="WorkflowGenEngineServiceV7"></add>) and script files (winsvc-install.cmd: Rename all [WorkflowGenEngineService] to [WorkflowGenEngineServiceV7]). (See the Configuring multiple instances of WorkflowGen section for information and instructions on how to configure multiple WorkflowGen services on the same server.)


  1. Open and edit the DRIVE:\Program Files\Advantys\WorkflowGen\Services\bin\WfgWorkflowEngineService.exe.config Engine service configuration file.

  2. Update the WorkflowGen web configuration path (e.g. <add key="WebConfigPath" value="DRIVE:\inetpub\wwwroot\wfgen\web.config" />).

  3. Open and edit the DRIVE:\Program Files\Advantys\WorkflowGen\Services\bin\WfgDirectoriesSyncService.exe.config Directory Synchronization service configuration file.

  4. Update the WorkflowGen web configuration path (e.g. <add key="WebConfigPath" value="DRIVE:\inetpub\wwwroot\wfgen\web.config" />).

    Note: WfgWorkflowEngineService.exe and WfgDirectoriesSyncService.exe might be blocked. To check this, right-click on them and choose Properties. If the Security section is displayed at the bottom of the General tab, these executables have been blocked; in this case, click Unblock.

  5. Run DRIVE:\Program Files\Advantys\WorkflowGen\Services\bin\winsvc-install.cmd as Administrator.

Application files access configuration

File permissions

File permission settings can be configured as follows for the WorkflowGen application identity:

  • DRIVE:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wfgen: Modify all.

According to your authentication method (see Security), the WorkflowGen application identity can be:

  • The corresponding Windows users

  • The ASP.NET or IIS application pool identity

Configuring IIS

Creating the application pool

It is recommended that WorkflowGen be isolated from other applications by creating its own application pool and associating all declared applications with the new application pool.

Note: Domain users and the Windows accounts used to run the WorkflowGen IIS application pool and Engine service must have read and write permissions for the \wfgen\app_data folder.

IIS 8.0

  1. Click Application pools. In the right-hand pane, right-click and select Add application pool, and give it a name (e.g. WorkflowGen).

  2. Select the .NET Framework 4 version.

  3. Select Integrated pipeline mode.

  4. Click OK.

Creating the website (if WorkflowGen is set up on a new website)

IIS 8.0

  1. Launch the IIS Manager and expand the tree structure under the IIS server name where you want to create the new site.

  2. Right-click the Sites icon and select Add Web Site. Enter the name of the site, select its application pool (if other than the default), and enter the physical path of the root (click Browse and select the \wwwroot folder, usually DRIVE:\inetpub\wwwroot\wfgen).

  3. Select the binding as being http or https (note that https requires an SSL certificate). Select a port (the default is 80) and/or a host header. Please contact your IIS administrator to review your options regarding setting up appropriate website settings.

Configuring the website

Default document

The default document type default.aspx must be created if it does not exist. By default, this default document should exist on an IIS server running .NET.

To verify this, click the icon of the site, and ensure that the pane on the right-hand side shows the Features view (the tab at the bottom of the pane allows you to switch between Features and Content). Double-click the Default document icon. If default.aspx is missing from the list, add it to the beginning of the comma-separated list displayed. To improve performance you can move default.aspx to the beginning of the list if it is not already there.


  1. Click the icon of the site, and ensure that the pane on the right-hand side shows the Features view.

  2. Double-click the Authentication icon.

  3. Right-click on Anonymous authentication and select Disable.

  4. Right-click on Basic authentication and select Enable. You will be able to change the authentication method by following the instructions in the Security section.

Creating the WorkflowGen application

  1. Right-click on wfgen under the \wwwroot folder and select Convert to application.

  2. Select the WorkflowGen application pool if it is not the default, then click OK.

Creating workflow applications and services

The \wfgen\ws and \wfgen\WfApps\WebForms applications within WorkflowGen must be created. To do this, repeat the same steps you performed for \wfgen in the previous section.

ISAPI and CGI restrictions

If you are using IIS 8 and above and your application pool is set to use Classic Managed Pipeline Mode, make sure ASP.NET v4.0.30319 is set to "Allowed" in the IIS manager ISAPI and CGI Restrictions list.

Configuring the WorkflowGen root website to auto-redirect to the wfgen web app

If you would like your WorkflowGen root website (e.g. https://server) to auto-redirect to the https://server/wfgen web app , follow the procedure below.

  1. Make sure the URL Rewrite tool is installed on your WorkflowGen server.

  2. Create or update the web.config file in your website's root folder (e.g. DRIVE:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config).

    Warning: This is not the same web.config file as the main WorkflowGen web.config file (located in DRIVE:\inetpub\wwroot\wfgen\web.config).

  3. Define the redirection rule node as shown below (configuration / system.webServer / <rewrite> / <rules> / <rule>):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <rule name="Root to wfgen" stopProcessing="true">
                        <match url="^$" />
                        <action type="Redirect" url="/wfgen/" />

WorkflowGen Node.js-based web applications

To use the optional GraphQL, incoming webhooks, OpenID Connect Auth, and SCIM APIs, you must first install the following requirements:

Note: After enabling GraphQL, incoming webhooks, OpenID Connect Auth, or SCIM, the WorkflowGen DLLs will be in use by Node.js, so they will be locked from being updated. In order to update the DLLs, it is necessary to stop IIS.

Enabling WorkflowGen GraphQL

  1. In IIS, convert /wfgen/graphql to an application with a .NET 4 application pool (integrated pipeline).

  2. Configure the GraphQL application authentication mode:

    • For Windows or Basic authentication: Enable Basic authentication.

    • For WorkflowGen Applicative authentication:

      • Make sure the /wfgen web application already has WorkflowGen Applicative authentication enabled.

      • Enable Anonymous authentication.

Enabling WorkflowGen incoming webhooks

In IIS, convert /wfgen/hooks to an application with a .NET 4 application pool (integrated pipeline), and configure the hook application in Anonymous authentication mode.

If your WorkflowGen is configured to use WorkflowGen Applicative authentication or a custom authentication, you must remove the authentication module from the /hooks/web.config file:

For WorkflowGen Applicative authentication:

        <remove name="ApplicationSecurityAuthenticationModule" />

For Custom authentication:

        <remove name="MyCustomAuthModule" />

Enabling WorkflowGen OpenID Connect Auth

In IIS, convert /wfgen/auth to an application with a .NET 4 application pool (integrated pipeline), and configure the application in Anonymous authentication mode.

If your WorkflowGen is configured to use WorkflowGen Applicative authentication or a custom authentication, you must remove the authentication module from the /auth/web.config file:

For WorkflowGen Applicative authentication:

        <remove name="ApplicationSecurityAuthenticationModule" />

For Custom authentication:

        <remove name="MyCustomAuthModule" />

Enabling WorkflowGen SCIM

In IIS, convert /wfgen/scim to an application with a .NET 4 application pool (integrated pipeline), and configure the application in Anonymous authentication mode.

If your WorkflowGen is configured to use WorkflowGen Applicative authentication or a custom authentication, you must remove the authentication module from the /scim/web.config file:

For WorkflowGen Applicative authentication:

        <remove name="ApplicationSecurityAuthenticationModule" />

For Custom authentication:

        <remove name="MyCustomAuthModule" />

Last updated