Request Follow-up Form

Request screen

Request form

Action lists

Action lists include:

  • My actions to do

  • My team actions to do

  • List of actions to assign to a person

  • Other actions to be done by someone else

Action history

Comments panel

A slide-out panel on the right allows the participants of the request to post free-form comments. Users can:

  • View, refresh, and sort the comments list by date posted or author in ascending or descending order

  • Post a new comment

  • Delete an existing comment of which they are the author or administrator/supervisor

  • Subscribe to the comments list RSS feeds

The associated users of each process participant can have read, read/write, or no permissions given to them by the process administrator.

WorkflowGen administrators, process administrators, and supervisors have read/write permissions by default.

All comments on a request are displayed on the User Portal home page and are read-only. To add a comment, return to the request’s follow-up form.

Launching a request

A process can be launched if its status is active. Only process managers, process supervisors, and WorkflowGen administrators can launch processes in test mode, and they can only launch those for which they are requesters. A process cannot start if its definition is invalid. A process can be started by any user associated with the requester participant.

Cancelling a request

An ongoing request can be cancelled by the requester if no action assigned to another user is running, or if the user is the process manager, process supervisor, or a WorkflowGen Administrator.

Deleting a request

A request can only be deleted:

  • If it is in test mode,

  • By a user if the first open action is assigned to them,

  • By a WorkflowGen Administrator, or

  • By the process manager or supervisor if Allow process managers and supervisors to delete requests has been enabled in the Configuration Panel.