
Delegations screen

This screen displays participant delegations on active processes. Delegations cannot be added to processes that are under construction, in test, or archived.

A user can associate a delegate with each process participant role displayed in this list. Delegations can be done for an unlimited period of time (if no date range is entered) or for a specific period of time (if a date range is entered).

Two types of delegations are possible: a global delegation of all the user’s roles to a single person (in the All processes row of the delegation screen), and a delegation on a role-by-role basis by selecting individual delegates for each process participant role. Note that a role-based delegation overrides the global delegation for that specific role.

Note: Administrative roles are not given to users through delegations, except for supervisors. Delegating a supervisor participant will give them only the permissions that the supervisor delegator has. For example, it won't allow the delegated user to access statistics in the Administration Module if they normally don't have this permission, only to view all the requests in the User Portal.

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