Home Page

Home page screen

This page displays all options available to you based on your profile. Custom menus are available to users as extra menu options on the home page.

Personalized home page

This page displays the date of your last visit, along with the your first and last names. The date and time are displayed according to the your current time zone.

User settings panel

The User settings panel is accessed by clicking the gear icon at the top right of the User Portal screen. This panel lets you set your language and time zone, and change your password.

Single-process home page

By selecting a process name from the drop-down menu at the top left of the banner, the home page will display the information for this process only.

Quick View

If the Quick View feature has been enabled in the Administration Module, clicking the request icon next to the process name opens a pop-up dialog bnewox that displays predetermined process data. You can fill in and submit information, print the form by clicking the printer icon, navigate to the previous or next request’s Quick View (if applicable) by using the arrows, close the Quick View by clicking the x icon, and depending on the status of the process and user security, delete or cancel the request.

My favorites

If you've added processes and/or views to your favorites list, the My favorites section will appear as the top section of your User Portal home page, with a list from which you can launch these processes or open these views.

To add a process or view to the favorites list, mouseover the process or view name in the New request or My views list and click the star outline that appears, which will then become solid. To remove a process or view from your favorites list, click the solid star (you can do this directly in the My favorites list, or in the New request or My views lists).


  • Only Active status processes can be added to favorites.

  • If a process has been archived or deleted, or if you have been removed from the process participants, you will no longer be able to launch that process. (The process will still appear in the favorites list until the home page is reloaded.)

  • You can add views shared by other users to your favorites, but if a view is unshared, you will no longer be able to open it. (The view will still appear in the favorites list until the home page is reloaded.)

New request

Click New request to display the list of requests that you can launch. New requests can be grouped by category.

To add a process to your favorites list, mouseover the process name and click the star outline that appears, which will then become solid. To remove a process from your favorites list, click the solid star.

Alternately, system configuration within the Administration Module allows for the display of process and action descriptions in lieu of code names.




Clicking the process icon will launch a new request. If the Quick View functionality has been activated in the Administration Module, the process request form will displayed in a pop-up dialog box.

Process name: A link allows a new request to be launched.


Process description (instead of code name)


Process help; a link displays the help form about the process

My views

Click My views to display your customized saved views.

To add a view to your favorites list, mouseover the view name and click the star outline that appears, which will then become solid. To remove a view from your favorites list, click the solid star.

You can display your saved views as floating dashboard panels on your home page. For instructions on how to do this, see the Dashboard section below.

My requests in progress

This is the list of current requests of which you are the requester.



Request #

Request icon and request ID


Process name


Request launch date and time

Time limit

Request deadline; if blank, the request has no deadline

My actions to do

This is the list of actions for you to do.



Request #

If the Quick View functionality has been activated in the Administration Module, clicking the Request icon will open a pop-up dialog box containing the predefined process data (e.g. FORM_ARCHIVE). Request ID: A link displays the request follow-up form.


Process name


Action icon and action name


Action creation date and time

Time limit

Action deadline; if blank, the action has no deadline

Team to-do list

This is the list of actions in Self-service mode. These actions are not assigned to a single person and can be handled by any user associated with the action participant.



Request #

If the Quick View functionality has been activated in the Administration Module, clicking the Request icon will open a pop-up dialog box containing the predefined process data (e.g. FORM_ARCHIVE). Request ID: A link displays the request follow-up form.


Process name


Action icon and action name


Action creation date and time

Time limit

Action deadline; if blank, the action has no deadline

Actions to assign

This is the list of actions for the user to assign. This may apply under the following assignment methods:

  • A participant with a coordinator

  • A manual assignment by the action initiator

  • A person that is not a coordinator who handles a previous action



Request #

If the Quick View functionality has been activated in the Administration Module, clicking the Request icon will open a pop-up dialog box containing the predefined process data (e.g. FORM_ARCHIVE). Request ID: A link displays the request follow-up form.


Process name


Action icon and action name


Action creation date and time

Time limit

Action deadline; if blank, the action has no deadline

This opens the Search screen. For information on how to use this, see the Search section.

Follow-up of requests in progress

You can access this list of current and overdue requests in progress if you're a process manager or a process supervisor (according to the processes you manage).

If you're an administrator, you can access the list of current requests or overdue requests for all processes. You can save the current view of the list of requests.

Follow-up of actions in progress

You can access this list of current or overdue actions if you're a process manager or a process supervisor (according to the processes you manage). If you're an administrator, you can access the list of current or overdue actions for all of the processes. You can save the current view of the list of actions.


You can turn your User Portal home page into a dashboard that displays your saved views as customizable floating panels that you can arrange according to your needs. These will remain on your home page, refreshing automatically each time you return to it, though you can refresh panels manually by clicking the refresh icon (a circular arrow) in the top right.

To open a dashboard panel, click the bar chart/magnifying glass icon next to the name of a saved view (see Save as view). You can then place it on your home page and resize it as needed.

You can launch an action’s web form directly from the dashboard. Completing actions this way will refresh the view displayed in the dashboard panel instead of redirecting you to the page configured to display when completing an action (such as the follow-up form or the homepage).

The dashboard is also useful with the Quick Approval feature as shown in the screenshot below, since it gives you immediate access to your list of validation actions, which you can handle directly in the dashboard panel using the buttons (see Quick Approval for more information).

Dashboard refresh and auto refresh

While the views in dashboard panels will always refresh when you return to your home page, you can manually refresh dashboard panels by clicking the refresh icon (a circular arrow) in the top right.

Important: If you navigate away from the view displayed in the panel, such as when opening a request or action follow-up form, and then click the refresh icon, the panel will return to the view and refresh it. In this case, you would lose any information entered into the form but not submitted. As well, if you refresh while performing Quick Approval validations, any selected buttons will be reset. Refresh is disabled during drilldown of custom charts in dashboard panels.

If your WorkflowGen Administrator has enabled the auto refresh feature, the auto refresh icon (a circular arrow with clock hands) will appear, and the panels will refresh according to the preset interval. You can disable and re-enable auto refresh by clicking the icon.

Note: Auto refresh will be automatically disabled in the following cases:

  • When performing Quick Approval validations, because refreshing would reset any selected buttons.

  • When navigating away from the view displayed in the panel, such as when opening a request or action follow-up form.

  • During drilldown of custom charts in dashboard panels.

Last updated