Workflow Features
Workflow functions
Mix human-based, agentic AI, and automatic system actions in the workflow
Create any business rules based on workflow data
Create conditions or exceptions based on workflow data or by using ready-to-use macros
Customize contents and layout of event-based email notifications (SMTP)
Automatic escalation based on workflow data
Enable delegation for workflow participants
Create complex workflows with sub-processes
Customize and secure display of data in user interface
Ready-to-use document validation application
Attach any kind of file to workflows
Save-as-draft mode for forms
Define workflow data stored in database without programming
Use all assignment methods (automatic, self-service, dynamic, etc.)
Parallel and/or serial routing
Automatic synchronization action
Define lead times for the entire workflow
Define lead times for each action at design time or runtime
Launch a workflow from a third-party application
Unique request IDs for all processes
Relative request IDs per process and/or per year and month
Time zone management
Action completion in background mode
Action multi-instance management
Agent actions to automatically trigger and perform large volumes of system actions within multi-application IT ecosystems
Scheduled frequency system actions
Automatic cancellation of timed-out system actions
Integrated Remote Approval service lets users approve requests by email reply from a mobile device
Action assignment methods
Manual (the current user selects a user to perform the next action)
Automatic (using workflow data containing the user)
Self-service (the first member of a team who takes the action handles it)
By a coordinator who dispatches
By the manager
By the person who performed a previous action
Ready-to-use workflow applications
.NET web form support
XMLTODATABASE: Export .NET web form data into one or multiple databases
GETUSERSFROMDIR: Query the directory at runtime to retrieve user list for dynamic assignments and/or email notifications
XMLTRANS: Transform XML files into other formats (EAI)
RAISEEXCEPTION: Cancel one or several actions in the running request
MERGEFORM: Merge multiple form data files into one file and merge form archives into a target form archive
UPDATEPROCESSDATA: Update process data associated with a request
STARTPROCESS: Launch a new request with corresponding parameters for inter-process communications
COMPLETEACTION: Complete an ongoing action with the corresponding parameters for inter-process communications and synchronization
GETPROCESSDATA: Retrieve process data values for a specified request
GETFORMDATA: Retrieve form field values for a specified request
CANCELREQUEST: Cancel an ongoing request
MERGEFORM: Merge multiple form data files into one file
COPYDATA: Copy data from a parameter to a different data
SENDMESSAGE: Send SMS notifications from WorkflowGen
SENDHTTPPOST: Post HTTP requests and webhooks to external sources
RESTAPICLIENT: Call REST API endpoints to exchange information with other applications through HTTP requests
EXECSQL: Execute one or multiple SQL queries in a process
JSONTODATA: Parse JSON content into process data
DOCUSIGNSEND: Send one or more documents to DocuSign for electronic signature
DOCUSIGNCHECK: Check the status of a DocuSign envelope and download associated files
ADOBESIGNSEND: Send one or more documents to Adobe Sign for electronic signature
ADOBESIGNCHECK: Check the status of an Adobe Sign agreement and download associated files
DOCAPOSTESEND: Send one or more documents to Docaposte for electronic signature.
DOCAPOSTECHECK: Check the status of a Docaposte transaction and download associated files.
YOUSIGNSEND: Send one or more documents to Yousign for electronic signature.
YOUSIGNCHECK: Verify the status of a Yousign agreement and download its associated file.
OPENAITRANSCRIPTION: Interact with an OpenAI audio model to transcribe an audio file.
OPENAICHAT: Interact with an OpenAI chat model.
Remote Approval: Approve user requests by email reply from a mobile device
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