
This guide provides instructions on:


How to use the WorkflowGen GraphQL API

Web Services API

How to use the WorkflowGen web services API

Incoming WebhooksOutgoing Webhooks

How to create incoming and outgoing webhooks

Workflow Applications

How to build applications for WorkflowGen using .NET Framework

RemoteLaunch Development in .NET Framework

How to use WorkflowGen.My to develop a RemoteLaunch SDK application to launch a process from outside the WorkflowGen environment

Access Token

How to use an OAuth 2.0 access token for server-side .NET development


How to create custom authentication modules

User Management

User management and directory synchronization

User Portal Customization

How to customize the WorkflowGen User Portal

Integration Using WorkflowGen URLs

How to create integrations using WorkflowGen URLs to perform certain process functions


How to set up and customize notifications

Appendix: Time Zone IDs & GMT Values Mapping

The appendix contains a table that lists time zone names and IDs

Last updated