Additional Information

SOAP services support

WorkflowGen only supports requests to the SOAP API using classic authentication methods. If you still need to use this API, you have to perform some additional steps to configure it properly.

  1. Create a new separate WorkflowGen directory for the SOAP API users.

  2. Provision it with users and groups as needed.

  3. In the IIS Manager, enable the Basic authentication method for the \ws\wfgen application.

  4. In the web.config file (located in \Inetpub\wwwroot\wfgen), add the following under <location path="ws" inheritInChildApplications="false"> :

            <remove name="ApplicationSecurityAuthenticationModule" />

Provisioning users and groups

There's no automatic way to provision your users and groups from the identity providers you use behind Auth0 with WorkflowGen. You'll have to synchronize them using one of the supported directory synchronization methods.