Tests & Additional Configurations


Web app addresses

Check the following URLs with the wfgen_admin user account:

  • User Portal: http://[yoursite]/wfgen

  • Administration Module: http://[yoursite]/wfgen/admin

If you're unable to log in, verify the web.config file in the root folder of the WorkflowGen application (usually DRIVE:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wfgen) and validate that the MainDbSource connection string contains the correct database connection information including server, database name, user, and password.

Test sample processes

You can create processes using the list of built-in process samples.

Additional configurations

You can change the security configuration (such as the authentication method) by following the instructions in the Security section.

  • Not all of the required WorkflowGen configuration parameters are defined in this setup. It's recommended that you update all other parameters in the Administration Module Configuration Panel after this setup. For more information, see the WorkflowGen Administration Module Reference Guide.

  • You can configure the time zone and language of new users through the Administration Module Configuration Panel. You can also access the Configuration Panel directly through the URL http://[yoursite]/wfgen/admin/Config.aspx once the setup is complete and the website is running.

  • The New User Time Zone settings can be changed on the General tab in the Configuration Panel.

  • The New User Default Language can be changed on the Administration tab in the Configuration Panel.