
Remote Approval

Remote Approval is now an integrated feature in WorkflowGen, and is no longer a separate module.

For instructions on configuring Remote Approval, see the Remote Approval section in the WorkflowGen Administration Guide.

If you have the former Remote Approval module configured, you can keep using it, but if you want to migrate to the new integrated feature, you must perform the following steps.

  1. Uninstall the Remote Approval module (it's recommended that you make a backup of all previous Remote Approval files and folders beforehand):

    1. Open the Windows Services list and stop the Remote Approval service, usually named WorkflowGen RemoteApproval or WorkflowGen EmailListener.

    2. Delete the DRIVE:\Program Files (x86)\Advantys\WorkflowGen\RemApp\ folder.

    3. Delete the \wfgen\bin\RemoteApprovalConfig.dll and \wfgen\admin\RemoteApprovalConfig.aspx files.

  2. In \wfgen\App_Data\CustomMenus\admin.xml, remove the Remote Approval menuItem node (you can delete the file entirely if it contains only this node).

  3. Check Activate on the Remote Approval tab in the Administration Module Configuration Panel.

Disable and remove workflow applications in IIS

The following workflow applications have been integrated as built-in or assembly applications. The corresponding web applications can be disabled and removed in IIS and file system folders since they're no longer used.

  • EFORMASPX: \wfgen\WfApps\WebApps\EFormASPX

  • GETUSERSFROMDIR: \wfgen\WfApps\WebServices\GetUsersFromDir

  • RAISEEXCEPTION: \wfgen\WfApps\WebServices\RaiseException

  • XMLTODATABASE: \wfgen\WfApps\WebServices\XmlToDatabase

  • XMLTRANS: \wfgen\WfApps\WebServices\XmlTrans

Create a clean WorkflowGen database

To create a clean WorkflowGen database, you must use the full WorkflowGen manual installation pack, which is available at https://github.com/advantys/workflowgen-releases/releases.