Conditions & Exceptions
Editing transition conditions
The Edit condition panel allows a condition (evaluated during the transition to the next action) to be modified. The banner located above the input area allows the condition’s expression syntax to be edited quickly. Any JavaScript or VBScript expression with a correct syntax can be used as a condition (choose either JavaScript or VBScript next to Language). The syntax is validated upon saving the condition or by clicking the Check the syntax button.
This JavaScript implementation is based on ECMAScript 3.5.
In JavaScript, time units are expressed in milliseconds:
1 minute = 60,000 milliseconds (
1 * 60 * 1000 = 60000
)1 hour = 3,600,000 milliseconds (
1 * 60 * 60 * 1000 = 3600000
)1 day = 86,400,000 milliseconds (
1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 = 86400000
In conditions, you can divide by the time unit's equivalent in milliseconds to use in comparisons. For example, a notification sent when a request is 12 or more hours late might look like this:
List of process data that can be used in the condition
List of WorkflowGen macros that can be used in the condition
Inserts the keyword OTHERWISE
Inserts the logical operator AND
Inserts the logical operator OR
Inserts the logical operator EQUAL TO
Inserts the logical operator NOT
Test function to find out if the data contains no value
Returns the numerical value of a date in milliseconds
( )
Enclose the selected text between parentheses
Inserts the logical operator AND
Inserts the logical operator OR
Inserts the logical operator NOT
Test function to find out if the data contains no value
Press Ctrl+Space
or Alt+Space
directly within the editor to display a drop-down list from which you can insert process data and WorkflowGen macros, instead of choosing them from the Data and Macros drop-down lists above the editor.
In JavaScript mode, use the Fnc()
button to encapsulate the condition in an IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression). For example:
Process data equal to
Lorem ipsum
<DATA> == "Lorem ipsum"
<DATA> = "Lorem ipsum"
Process data greater than
<DATA> > 5
<DATA> > 5
Compare process data dates:
<DATE1> > <DATE2>
DateDiff("s",<DATE1>,<DATE2>) > 0
More than 5 hours have elapsed since:
(<WF_SYSTEM_DATETIME> - <DATE1>) * 3600000 > 5
DateDiff("h",<WF_SYSTEM_DATETIME>, <DATE1>) > 5
Combination of different comparisons:
<DATA1> == "Lorem ipsum" || (<DATA2> > 10000 && <DATA3> == "Director")
<DATA1> = "Lorem ipsum" Or (<DATA2> > 10000 And <DATA3> = "Director")
Process data file has not been defined:
<FILE_DATA> == null
Process data file has a specific size (less than 1 MB) and a specific file name:
<FILE_DATA.SIZE> < 1024000 && <FILE_DATA.NAME>.indexOf("report") > -1
<FILE_DATA.SIZE> < 1024000 And InStr(1,<FILE_DATA.NAME>,"report") > 0
Condition rules
You can only add one condition to a transition. To add more conditions between the same actions, create additional transitions between the actions and place the additional conditions on them.
You can only place one condition or one exception on a given transition.
Each condition is evaluated individually. For example, if there are two conditions on separate transitions between actions, and both are TRUE, then the next action will be created twice.
Editing exceptions
Exception type
Action overdue
Exception triggered by the system when an action is overdue
Action cancellation triggered by
Exception triggered when a user or supervisor cancels an ongoing action or sub-process
To prevent users and/or supervisors from cancelling the action, uncheck Users and/or Supervisors. Otherwise, Users, Supervisors, Administrators, and System are checked by default, and can all cancel actions.
✏️ Note: Administrators and System cannot be unchecked, and can always cancel actions.
Assignment error
Exception triggered when an action is assigned to a user that is not associated with the participant
Execution error
Exception triggered by the system when an error occurs during an automatic application execution (a system action)
Exception triggered by default
Exception rules
You can only add one exception to a transition. To add more exceptions between the same actions, create additional transitions between the actions and place the additional exceptions on them.
You can only place one exception or one condition on a given transition.
Each exception is evaluated individually. For example, if there are two exceptions on separate transitions between actions, and both exceptions occur, then the next action will be created twice.
When an exception occurs at runtime, the default exception is assumed if no specific exception path corresponding to the exception type was defined in the process definition.
If an exception path is linked to the end of the process and the exception occurs at runtime, all the ongoing actions are cancelled and the request is closed with the status
Closed – Cancelled