Gardian Integration


This section contains instructions on how to to configure WorkflowGen delegated authentication with Gardian.

The Gardian configuration process closely mirrors that of Okta. To set up Gardian, begin by following the instructions in the Okta authentication section, substituting the values with Gardian service provider specifications where needed. After completing those steps, return to this section for configuration details specific to Gardian.

WorkflowGen configuration

Now, you need need to configure WorkflowGen to delegate its authentication to Gardian.

Add Gardian values to the WorkflowGen web.config

Open the WorkflowGen web.config file and add the following properties:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!-- Gardian auth -->
        <add key="ApplicationSecurityAuthProvider" value="gardian"/>
        <add key="ApplicationSecurityAuthAcrValues" value="<ACR VALUES>" />
  • Replace <ACR VALUES> with ACR values as specified by your Gardian service provider.