End-User Module

User Portal

  • 100% web-based .NET 4 application

  • Single sign-on and seamless automatic authentication

  • Intuitive — no training required

  • Interface supports multiple languages (double-byte compliant)

  • Users can change language, time zone, and password directly within the Portal

  • Customized workflow portal based on user rights and preferences

  • Smart portal with summary of current user activity for all processes (ongoing, to do, late, closed, etc.)

  • Add processes and views to favorites list for fast access

  • Real-time monitoring with graphical view of the workflows

  • Direct access to statistics and reports with graphical views

  • Quickly access the forms with the Quick View feature

  • Approve dozens of requests in seconds with the Quick Mass Approval feature

  • Comprehensive audit trail

  • Post and follow user comments for ongoing requests

  • Fast switching from user to manager mode for additional privileges and rights

  • Single- or multi-process view

  • Multiple-criteria search for requests and actions

  • Direct access to specific requests (quick search)

  • Multiple sort options for actions and requests

  • Use form data as search criteria

  • Customize the display of workflow data

  • Automatic detection of URLs and email addresses

  • Sort columns of statistics, search results, and follow-ups with a simple drag-and-drop

  • Delegation of tasks for user-defined period of time

  • Display common process data in User Portal lists and multi-process quick search

  • Common process data are supported in the follow-up and statistics tab


  • From the Views list on the User Portal home page, click the View icons to display the views (grids, charts, statistics) in floating panels that you can arrange according to your needs


  • Event-based email notification (to do, to assign, delay, request closed, etc.)

  • Text or HTML format email notifications

  • Email notifications, including attachments

  • Customizable email templates

  • SMTP protocol compliant with Exchange, Lotus, etc.

  • Direct launch of actions to do from email notification

  • Receive notifications of the latest user comments


  • Fill out forms online within the web browser

  • Use web forms (supports AJAX)

  • Form fields integration with external applications and databases

  • Attach files to forms

Advanced View

Advanced View enables users to easily create rich customized reports by using process data.

  • Access Advanced View from the Search tab

  • Sort and filter data via the column header

  • Group data with a simple column header drag-and-drop

  • Reorganize columns

  • Change column size

  • Create a customized footer with calculations

  • Edit existing columns

  • Create a new column using the built-in formula editor (in easy or expert mode) using data from other columns

  • Save an Advanced View as a view accessible from the User Portal and share it with other authorized participants

  • Export a customized view and associated data to multiple formats (Excel, XML, CSV, JSON, HTML, TSV)

  • Click “Link” to get the view’s URL or embed the view in your own web applications


  • Advanced View reports can be displayed as charts (column, bar, pie, etc.) and shared as views

  • The Custom Charts feature lets you create customized charts using JavaScript and any chart library


  • Manage customized views (search results, statistics)

  • Add links to external web contents to provide additional information

  • Add a custom application top banner

  • Embed workflow portal in existing applications

  • Create your own “skins” to customize the User Portal look and feel