Process Administration

Process design

  • 100% web-based .NET 4 application

  • Implement workflows graphically in HTML5 without programming

  • Process data management (text, numeric, date, time, file)

  • Action management (human, automatic, sub-process)

  • Notification management (customizable event-based notifications)

  • Application management (eForms, import/export, web services, alerts, etc.)

  • Roles associated with users and/or groups and/or directories

  • Category management (organize processes by category)

  • Display automatic report of process definition with debug feature

  • Compliance with Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) standards

  • Test workflows on production server

Process management

  • Organize processes within secured folders for easy decentralization

  • Delegate process administration per folder

  • Import/export process definition in XPDL (XML-based standard)

  • One-click deployment of processes from development to production server

  • 24/7 process availability: update workflow definition of live processes

  • Versioning of workflows

  • Use different statuses to manage workflows (active, test, archived, etc.)

  • Organize workflows in one or multiple categories for end-users

  • Duplicate an existing workflow to create a new one