
Process participant list screen

Participant list

Participant form

  1. In read-only mode if the participant is of the global type.

  2. Only one requester is allowed per process.

  3. Accessible only to List of persons and List of persons with coordinator type participants.

  4. Accessible only to List of persons with coordinator type participants.

  5. Supervisor’s participant does not have to be associated to an action.

  6. This request access permission is specific per process version.

Association with the directory

* Visible only if associated with a user or a coordinator and when the number of users in the base is greater than the limit set by the software administrator.

  • A person type participant can only be associated with a single user.

  • A list of persons type participant is associated to one or several users or groups or directories.

  • A list of persons with coordinators type participant is associated with one or several coordinators and to one or several users, groups or directories.

Deleting a participant

A participant cannot be deleted if the participant is being used in a process action.

Adding a global participant

A global participant can only be associated once to a process.

Process requester

There can only be one participant in the Requester role in a process.

Process supervisor

There can be multiple participants with the Supervisor role in a process, each with different security settings and different follow-up access specified via the limited scope query.

Changing the participant type

The following conditions apply when changing the participant type:

  • A person to A list of persons or A list of persons with coordinators: The participant must not be used in a process action.

  • A list of persons to A person: A single user must be associated to the participant, and the participant must not be used in a process action.

  • A list of persons to A list of persons with coordinators: Add at least one coordinator.

  • A list of persons with coordinators to A list of persons: The participant must not be used in a process action where the assignment is made by the coordinator.

Supervisor limited scope

The supervisor limited scope feature allows dynamic filtering of requests and action follow-up access for process supervisors. When a user is associated with a process supervisor participant with limited scope access enabled, the User Portal homepage follow-up results, Portlet RSS feeds, follow-up search results, and statistics reports will be shown only with accessible requests and actions. The supervisor limited scope is defined using criteria conditions in which the syntax is similar to SQL query criteria conditions and allows the usage of a user’s profile and requests data information as filter criteria in the query definition.


A limited scope query can be defined for process participant with the process supervisor role only. You need to add a new process or edit a process supervisor participant and define the query in order to enable the limited scope feature. The query length is limited to a maximum of 255 characters.

If a query is empty, then the process supervisor has follow-up access to all requests and actions of the specific process.

Query help

Query syntax validation

Click the Test button to validate the syntax of a supervisor limited scope query. Saving an invalid syntax query is not allowed.

Available fields and macros for queries

The fields and macros available for supervisor limited scope queries are listed below. The fields refer to the user’s profile information. You can also use request data as a comparison value in criteria conditions for a query to filter the results.

* Macros only support hard-coded static text as a parameter. Indicating a process data name is not supported. For example:

  • Valid: {ISMEMBER(my_group_name)}

  • Not valid: {ISMEMBER(@GROUP_NAME)}

Query examples

This example matches requests/actions for users is in the province of Quebec:


This example matches requests/actions for users who have an email ending with


This example matches users in my group:


This example matches requests/actions for users whose department is equal to the value of the DEPT_DATA request data:


Comparing a text to a request data

To compare a text to a request data, you must inverse the comparison order, with the text first, followed by the operator and the data.

This example matches requests/actions for users whose city is equal to the value of the MY_CITY request data and the value of the MY_COUNTRY request data is CANADA:


Comparison operators

You can use standard SQL comparison operators such as =, !=, <>, IS NULL, NOT IS NULL, LIKE, NOT LIKE, etc.

For better compatibility, it is recommended to use standard operators that are supported on the database hosting WorkflowGen.

📌 Example

This example matches requests/actions for users who are not located in Montreal:


Logical operators and parentheses

You can use standard SQL logical operators such as AND and OR to combine multiple criteria conditions to a maximum of 255 characters length in the query. When there are many criteria conditions, it is strongly recommended to use parentheses to logically enclose them.

📌 Example

This example matches requests/actions for users who are located in either Toronto or CITY_DATA of CANADA:


Text values

Text values in criteria conditions must be enclosed between single quotes. Double quotes (") aren't supported for enclosure but are valid as a value. Wildcard characters such as % (percent sign) and _ (underscore) can be used with the LIKE operator.

📌 Example

This example matches requests/actions for users whose last name starts with AN:


Request data

You can use request data in criteria conditions to filter requests dynamically, since the request data value can be different from one request to another. To do this, call these request data in the criteria condition by prefixing them with the @ character.

📌 Example

This example matches requests/actions for users whose company is equal to the value of request data DATA1:


(DATA1 is an arbitrary convention; any request data name may be used.)

Ensure that the requested data name used in the criteria condition has the exact name as the one defined in the WorkflowGen process data list.


You can also use macros in criteria conditions contained in the query. You just have to add an available macro in the criteria condition.

📌 Example

This example matches requests/actions for a user who is member of the Dev group, member of the WORKFLOWGEN directory and comes from Montreal:


It's very important to respect the syntax in the Available macros list.

Performance impacts

In some cases, the WorkflowGen User Portal is reduced in performance or has a slower response time when the limited scope is applied for a process supervisor with filtering queries that use LIKE operators and wildcard characters (%,_) in criteria conditions. This is possibly due to large amount of information that needs to be filtered by the limited scope engine for user accessible requests and actions.

We suggest testing the supervisor-limited scope query in a development environment before releasing for production.

Last updated