In the left menu on the Administration Module home page, click to display the Delegations screen.
Refreshes the delegations list
New delegation
Displays a blank form to add a new delegation
External filters
Process drop-down list
Displays the delegations of the selected process (only active or archived processes are listed)
Filter on
Filter by participant
Filter by user who delegated
Filter by user to whom delegated
Process name
Participant name
User who delegated
User to whom delegated
Delegation start date; if not defined, the delegation is unlimited
Delegation end date; if not defined, the delegation is unlimited
When adding a new delegation, you can decide whether or not to send a notification email to the delegatee via the displayed message box.
A delegation is unique based on the process, the participant, the delegator, the delegatee, the begin date, and the end date. This means that you cannot define multiple time periods for a given delegation.
As of WorkflowGen 8.0.3:
You can define cross-delegations on overlapping periods between the same users on the same participant.
You can define multi-level delegations, so if user A has delegated actions to user B, user B can then delegate these actions to user C.
Deleting a delegation does not delete the associated user.
Delegations are process version-specific:
New versions of a process copy all existing delegations where possible, based on matching participant names.
Since delegations can only be created for active processes, delegations are only carried forward when a versioned process is activated.
A delegatee can only see the delegator’s actions and requests from the version at which they were delegated the role, and going forward if copied by creating a new version and not changed subsequently.
When a user changes a delegation in the current version, it does not affect prior delegations performed for previous versions.
If prior version actions and requests also need to be delegated, an Administrator must use their delegation screen to add the prior versions' delegations.