
Users screen




Refreshes the user list displayed

New user

Displays a blank user form to add a new user


External filters


Filter drop-down list

Filters by specified criteria (e.g. name, username, email, etc.); see next table


Searches for users by name, username, email, etc.


Displays the specified user directory


Displays users with the selected profile(s):

  • All profiles

  • Administrator

  • User


Displays users with the specified status(es):

  • All

  • Active or inactive

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Archived

Filter drop-down list *



Filters by user’s city

Common name

Filters by user’s common name


Filters by user's company name


Filters by user’s country


Filters by user’s department name

Distinguished name

Filters by user’s distinguished name


Filters by user’s email address

Employee number

Filters by user’s employee number

Employee type

Filters by user’s employee type

Extended attribute 1

Filters by user’s extended attribute #1

Extended attribute 2

Filters by user's extended attribute #2

Extended attribute 3

Filters by user's extended attribute #3

Extended attribute 4

Filters by user's extended attribute #4

Extended attribute 5

Filters by user's extended attribute #5


Filters by user's fax number

Group name

Filters by user’s group name


Filters by user’s initials

Job title

Filters by user's job title


Filters by user's LDAP ADsPath


Filters by user's mobile phone number


Filters by user's name


Filters by user's office number


Filters by user's pager number

Personal title

Filters by user’s personal title


Filters by user’s phone number

Postal address

Filters by user’s postal address


Filters by user’s state or province

System identifier

Filters by user’s system identifier (SID)


Filters by user’s username

Zip code

Filters by user's zip or postal code

* A filter can be applied to a part of a field.

User lists



Multi-select checkboxes


  • Activate the selected user(s)

  • Deactivate the selected user(s)

  • Delete the selected user(s)

Lastname Firstname

User’s last name and first name (click to open the user form in edit mode)


Username of the user


Profile of the user


Status of the user’s account: active or inactive


User directory

✏️ Note: This column is only visible when you select All from the Directory drop-down list.

User form

Click a username to open that user's form.

Sections & fields




User directory


Unique user identifier in all directories; limited to 255 characters (required field)

✏️ Note: Usernames cannot contain the : (colon) character.

Last name

User’s last name (required field)

First name

User’s first name


User’s email address


If checked, the user is synchronized



User’s profile (defines application access rights, either administrator or user)

Status *

User’s account status: Active or Inactive


User’s password (click Change password to change the user’s password)


Default language

Language applied when the user's account was created

Selected language

Language selected by the user

Default time zone

Time zone applied when the user’s account was activated

Selected time zone

Time zone selected by the user



Name of the directory group(s) to which the user is associated; click a group name to open the Select groups panel


Staff members

List of users who've been assigned this user as manager; clicking this allows access to the staff member list


Phone *

User’s telephone number

Mobile *

User’s mobile telephone number

Fax *

User’s fax number

Pager *

User’s pager number

Office *

User’s office number

Department *

User’s department number


User’s company name

Job title *

User’s job title

Employee type *

Employee type the user belongs to

Initials *

User’s initials

Title *

User’s title

Employee number

User’s employee number

Postal address *

User’s postal address

Zip code *

User’s zip code

City *

User’s city

State/Area *

User’s state or area

Country *

User’s country

LDAP path *

User’s LDAP path

Common name *

User’s displayed name

Distinctive name *

User’s distinctive name

Extended attribute 1 to 5 *

User's extended attribute

System identifier *

User's SID

* These fields can be synchronized with Active Directory. These fields aren't required by the application; however, it's possible to use them in workflow macros.

Deleting and archiving users

A user will be archived and not deleted if:

  • The user is associated to a participant as a user.

  • The user is the creator or modifier of a process.

  • The user is associated to a request or an action.

A user cannot have an inactive, deleted, or archived status if:

  • The user is the only person assigned as a coordinator to a List of persons.

  • The user is the only person in a group assigned to a List of persons type participant.

  • The user is the only person in a List of persons type participant.

Replacing users

You can replace a user with another one; this replacement user must belong to the same directory and to the same groups. All roles in process definitions will be reassigned to the new user.

Ongoing (open) requests will be reassigned to the new user; closed (historical) actions will keep the participant who actually performed the action.

This function is useful when a someone leaves their position in the organization and their ongoing tasks and roles must be reassigned.

Unlocking a user account

If a user exceeds the maximum number of connection attempts set in the Configuration Panel, their account will be locked and must be unlocked by an Administrator. To do this, open the user’s profile and click the Unlock user button.

Activity report

Click Activity report in the user form to display their usage (requests and actions), delegations to and from them, the participants to which they belong, and their folder and global list managers.

The generated report summarizes all the activities for the selected user, such as:

Usage: Requests

  • Request type (real or in test)

  • In progress

  • Closed

  • Total

Usage: Actions

  • Action type (real or in test)

  • In progress

  • Closed

  • Total

Delegations from the user

  • Process

  • Participant

  • Global

  • Delegatee

  • Begin

  • End

Delegations to the user

  • Process

  • Participant

  • Global

  • User (delegator)

  • Begin

  • End

Participants that the user belongs to

  • Process

  • Participant

  • Global

  • Role

  • Directory

  • Groups

  • User

  • Coordinator

Folder manager

  • Folder

  • Participant

  • Directory

  • Groups

  • User

Global list managers

  • Participant

  • Directory

  • Groups

  • User

Last updated