A process must have at least a beginning and an end.
A process must have one single participant in the role of requester.
There can only be one OTHERWISE
condition in an action's transitions.
If more than one transition exists between two actions, all of the transitions must be conditions.
All process data must be used in the action parameters or in the transition conditions.
Data used in a condition must be associated to an OUT or INOUT direction action parameter if no default value is set.
All actions must have at least one next action or END.
If an action has a transition to an end of a process, the transition of the next actions must have a condition.
An action that loops must have a condition.
For an application or a sub-process, all the required parameters of an action must be defined.
Actions that include a transition with an OTHERWISE
condition must have another transition with a condition that is not an OTHERWISE
If the action comes from a synchronization, the By the action initiator assignment method is not possible.
If the action can be launched after an exception transition, the By the action initiator assignment method is not possible.
The Automatic to the action initiator assignment method is not allowed if the participant is not a requester and if the participant of the previous action is different.
The By the action initiator assignment method is not allowed if the action is called after an exception.
Ensure that all required application parameters for an action are defined.
Ensure that all the required action parameters for a sub-process are defined
It's recommended to use an exception transition if actions use the following assignment methods and if the username is retrieved from process data:
Automatic to the person who handled...
Manual by the person who handled...
Automatic to the person
It's recommended to use an exception transition if actions use an automatic application (web proc, web service or asynchronous web proc).
It's advised to use an exception transition if actions use a sub-process.
All process data must be used.
Ensure that default and additional parameters used as OUT types are linked with data.
Automatic applications must use an exception.
Request environment
In progress
Number of requests in progress
Number of requests closed
Total requests launched
Process name
Process version
Process description
Process status
Is this a sub-process?
Access level
Public or private access level
List of categories with which the process is associated
Lead time
Process lead time
Use working days/hours in duration calculation
Uses only office hours to calculate time schedule
Notify the requester when closed
Notification is sent to the requester when the request is closed
Archive the results of the actions
Saves the result of each process action at each step of the process
Participant description
The participant is defined in the global information
Participant role in the process
Participant type
Type of association to the directory
List of users associated with this participant
List of groups associated with this participant
List of directories associated with this participant
List of coordinator users for this participant
Graphical follow-up
Visible in the graphical follow-up
Permission for requests
Access to all requests
Permission for supervisors
Special permissions for supervisors
Permission for comments
None, read, or read/write permissions
Supervisor limited scope query
Used in actions
Actions in which this participant is used
Data description
Data type
Type of data
Default value
Default value of the data
List of participants with access to the data
Show the data in the follow-up forms
The selected data will be visible in the following places:
Request and action follow-up forms
Default notification messages (emails)
Action data popup window
Search criteria list
✏️ Note: Unchecking this option disables and unchecks the Search criteria by default, Display in columns in the lists, and Display in column options.
Search criteria by default
The selected data will appear in every search screen as selected criteria without search parameters
Display in columns in the lists
The selected data will appear in a column in all lists of requests and actions (single-process mode)
Display in column in homepage
The selected data will appear in a column on the home page (single-process mode)
Define data as read-only
This saves disk space when used on file process data by associating a single copy of the file per process for all closed actions and closed requests.
✏️ Note: An action’s OUT and INOUT parameters using data declared as read-only will not be updated.
⚠️ Caution: In general, do not define EFORM applications'FORM_DATA
elements (which contain the data of a form) as read-only.
Used in actions
List of actions in which the data is used
Used in conditions
List of process transitions in which the data is used
Action sections have sub-sections that provide information about the following:
Required parameters
Additional parameters
Previous action
Next actions
Additional notifications