
The ADOBESIGNSEND workflow application lets you send one or multiple documents to Adobe Sign for electronic signature.

How it works

  • The ADOBESIGNSEND creates a single envelope and sends it to one or multiple signers.

  • You can specify one or multiple files per ADOBESIGNSEND action. To do this, use the FILEx parameter, where x corresponds to the file number (e.g. FILE1). At least one file is required.

  • You can specify one or multiple signers. To do this, use the combination of SIGNER_NAME_LIST and SIGNER_EMAIL_LIST. You can also use SIGNER_NAMEx and SIGNER_EMAILx, where x corresponds to the signer number.

  • You can specify one role per recipient. To do this, based on the method that you use to specify signers (with or without _LIST), you can use SIGNER_ROLE_LIST or SIGNER_ROLEx, where x corresponds to the signer number. Possible values: SIGNER (default), APPROVER, ACCEPTOR, CERTIFIED_RECIPIENT, FORM_FILLER or DELEGATE_TO_SIGNER, DELEGATE_TO_APPROVER, DELEGATE_TO_ACCEPTOR, DELEGATE_TO_CERTIFIED_RECIPIENT, DELEGATE_TO_FORM_FILLER, or SHARE.

  • Application logs are available. These can be specified by setting the value of the AdobeSignSendLogLevel parameter in the web.config file to 0 to deactivate logs, 1 for error logs, 2 for information logs, or 3 for debug logs; the default value is 0.

Configuring the Adobe Sign API

Creating an Adobe Sign API application

  1. In the Adobe Sign administration interface, add a new API Application, then click Configure OAuth for application.

  2. Activate the following scopes and select account under Modifier:

    • agreement_write

    • agreement_read

  3. You can retrieve the Client ID and Client Secret directly from the configuration tab.

  4. Insert a valid address in the Redirect URI field; it will be useful in the next step.

Obtaining the refresh token

Since Adobe Sign doesn't support client_credentials authentication, it's necessary to use a refresh token in order to retrieve a valid access_token. The refresh token is valid for 60 days. These 60 days are renewed upon each API call, which means that when you run ADOBESIGNSEND or ADOBESIGNCHECK, the token's validity is extended by 60 days.

In order to be able to use your new Adobe Sign application, you need to authorize it to access the defined scopes. Execute the following URL in your browser:


Replace the following information with your own values:

  • <HOST_SERVER> : Your Adobe Sign account's host server. Usually, the URL is composed like this:, whereX is the server ID.

  • <REDIRECT_URI> : The URL that you defined in your Adobe Sign application.

  • <CLIENT_ID> : Your Adobe Sign application's client ID.

After granting consent to your application, you'll be redirected to your REDIRECT_URI with a CODE parameter in the URL.

The code returned by Adobe Sign is for one-time use and will be used to obtain the refresh token.

Retrieving the refresh token

In order to obtain the refresh token, execute the following request, specifying your values:

curl --location --request POST '<HOST_SERVER>/oauth/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'code=<CONSENT_CODE>' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=<CLIENT_ID>' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>' \
--data-urlencode 'redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URI>' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code'
  • HOST_SERVER : Your Adobe Sign account's host server. Usually, the URL is composed like this: , where X is the server ID.

  • <CONSENT_CODE> : One-time use code obtained in the previous step (Consent and obtaining a one-time code).

  • <CLIENT_ID> : Client ID of your Adobe Sign application.

  • <CLIENT_SECRET> : Your Adobe Sign application's client secret.

  • <REDIRECT_URI> : The URL that you defined in your Adobe Sign application.

After executing the request, you'll obtain a value for the refresh token, contained in the refresh_token data.

If your refresh token has expired, you'll need to perform the preceding operations again.

Required parameters

You can use one of the following two configurations: with a list of signers or with signer numbers.

With a list of signers

With signer numbers

Optional parameters

Adobe Sign configuration


Return parameter


With a list of signers

With signer numbers