
Adding an action

Drag and drop the Add action icon onto the view to open the Select an action type screen.




Allows an action to be created based on the selected application


Allows a synchronization type action to be created (synchronization bar)


Allows a manual type action to be created (an action that is not associated with a form)

Sub-process independent

Allows an independent sub-process type action to be created

Sub-process embedded

Allows an embedded sub-process type action to be created

Action editing screen




Displays the action form in edit mode


Displays the list of required and additional parameters of an application type action

Next actions

Displays the list of actions following the current action in the workflow process


Displays the automatic and additional notification lists for the action

Information tab

The fields displayed in the Edit action panel vary depending on the action type (for example, a human-based web form action or a sub-process action).



Application or action type

Type of action or application used by the action


Unique identifier for the action; must respect nomenclature and be limited to 30 characters (required field)


Action description (limited to 255 characters)

Participant [1]

Participant involved in the action (required field)

Sub-process [1]

Sub-process associated to the action (required field)

The list of available sub-processes is built according to the process status:

  • If the process is active, you can choose only active or archived sub-processes

  • If the process is in test or under construction, you can choose in test, active, or archived sub-processes

⚠️ Warning: If you change the sub-process to another one, all of the current parameters of the previous sub-process will be deleted.

Sub-process version

The sub-process version (optional)

Auto finds the most recent active, in test, or archived version (in that order) and chooses it, but if you specify a specific version in the Number field, that version will be chosen regardless of its status.

Sub-process requester [1]

Process users automatically defined as the requester of the sub-process (required field)

Assignment method [2]

Method of assigning the action to a participant (required field)

Retrieve users from [3]

Process data containing a list of usernames (separated by commas) of the persons to whom the action will be assigned (required field)

Split mode

Sets the action's behavior between a traditional synchronization bar and a split bar. Disabling incoming transition synchronization:

  • Checked (split bar): Do not synchronize incoming transitions (e.g. parallel actions)

  • Unchecked (synchronization bar): Synchronize incoming transitions (e.g. parallel actions)

✏️ Note: Applicable to synchronization and split bars only.

Begin block activity

Defines a new block of activities specifying the begin action of the block (e.g. split action). The split action can be any type; the current synchronization bar will be automatically considered as the end action of the block (e.g. joint action).

✏️ Note: Applicable to synchronization bars only.

Lead time [4]

Amount and unit of time before the action is considered late; the value can be specified by a fixed value or retrieved at runtime from a data value.


  • Years

  • Months

  • Days (takes working days into account)

  • Hours (takes working days and hours into account)

  • Minutes (takes working days and hours into account)

  • Seconds (takes working days and hours into account)

You can choose the way the lead time will be calculated by checking (or not checking) the Use working days/hours to calculate the duration option.

Pause during

Amount and unit of time a synchronization or split bar will be paused before launch; the value can be specified by a fixed value or retrieved at runtime from a data value

You can choose the way the pause time will be calculated by checking (or not checking) the Use working days/hours to calculate the duration option.

✏️ Note: Applicable to synchronization and split bars only.

Delay / Start time

Amount and unit of time a system action will be delayed before launch; the value can be specified by a fixed value or retrieved at runtime from a data value You can choose the way the delay/start time will be calculated by checking (or not checking) the Use working days/hours to calculate the duration option.

You can also choose to start the first action execution without the specified delay by checking the Skip delay for the first execution when action is in direct loop option (enabled by default).

✏️ Note: Applicable to system actions only (e.g. assembly, web service, web procedure, etc.).

Cancel the assignment if the delay is greater than [5]

The action assignment can be automatically cancelled if the delay is greater than this specified value. You must specify a duration unit for this field.

Completion mode

Indicates if the action must be completed by the workflow engine in background

This option is useful when the completion takes a long time (a lot of notifications, the action is followed by a web service or a web process, etc.).

In this case, the user doesn't have to wait for the action completion to be redirected to the request follow-up form or the portal home page (according to the redirection setting defined in the Configuration Panel by the administrator).

Direct loop history

Keep direct loop actions history:

  • Checked (default): Creates a separate action for every execution when the action loops to itself only (original behavior)

  • Unchecked: Creates a single action for all executions when the action loops to itself only

✏️ Note: Applicable to system actions only (e.g. assembly, web service, web procedure, etc.).


Indicates if the action is displayed in the request follow-up form's actions history in the User Portal

Help text [6]

Help text for the action, visible in the User Portal; a link allows this text to be edited

Help link

URL of an external help document for the action, visible in the User Portal

Support email

Email address for support on the action, visible in user mode

Icon size

The action icon size for the process workflow graphical view; check Apply size to all actions to change the size of all action icons at once

Internal ID

Action’s ID

  1. If the action is a sub-process.

  2. If the action is an application.

  3. Available for Automatic to the person and Manual assignment methods.

  4. Enabled if the assignment method is Manual.

  5. Enabled if a lead time is specified.

  6. The default help text limit of 10,000 characters can be customized by editing the value of the AdministrationMaxHelpTextSize parameter in the web.config file.

Deleting an action

Only a process/folder manager or an administrator can delete an action. If the process is active or archived, the action cannot be deleted.

Adding a loop on the first action

It's not possible to create a transition leading back to the first action of a process (this isn't the same as a loop transition, which is permitted). You must add a new action that will be automatically assigned to the requester and create a loop with it.

📌 Example

Here, the action UPDATES is added:


Assignment methods




Automatic to the requester

The action is assigned to the user who initiates the request (e.g. first action of the process is assigned to the requester).

Automatic to the action initiator [1]

The action is assigned to the user who handled the previous action (e.g. launch of several actions one after the other by the same person).

Automatic to the person [2]

If the type of participant is Person, the action is assigned to the user associated with the participant.

If the type of participant is List of persons, the action can be assigned to the user whose username is found in the chosen process data. If the process data contains a list of usernames (separated by commas) then one instance of the activity is created and assigned to each user of the list. In this case, an assignment error might occur if the assigned user is not associated with the participant.

Automatic to the person who handled... (an action)

The action is assigned to the user who handled the selected action (e.g. the final approval must be done by the same user who approved first). The list of available actions to select (in the second drop-down) will be the ones to which the selected participant has previously been associated.

Automatic to the manager of the requester

The action is assigned to the manager of the user who initiates the request. An assignment error might occur if no manager is associated with the requester.

Automatic to the manager of the action initiator

The action is assigned to the manager of the user who handled the previous action. An assignment error might occur if no manager is associated with the action initiator.

Automatic to the manager of the person who handled … (an action)

The action is assigned to the manager of the user who handled the selected action. An assignment error might occur if no manager is associated with the user who handled the selected action. The list of available actions to select (in the second drop-down) will be the ones that the selected participant has previously been associated to.

Automatic to the system

Used for a synchronization related application or an automatic application (web procedure, asynchronous web procedure, or web service).

  1. The Automatic to the action initiator method is available if the participant of the previous action is the same as the participant of the current action.

  2. If the Automatic to the person method is selected, the Retrieve the user from the data field must be filled in.




Manual by the action initiator

The user who handled the previous action selects the user to receive the next action assignment in the participant user list.

Manual by the person who handled... (an action)

The user who handled the selected action chooses the user who will receive the next action assignment in the participant user list. The list of available actions to select (in the second drop-down) menu will be the ones to which the selected participant has previously been associated.

For processes that contain sub-processes or automatic applications, this method can replace By the action initiator when the previous action has been handled by the system.

Manual by the coordinator

(Dispatching) One of the coordinators (of the selected participant) assigns the action to a user associated with the action participant.


The first user associated with the participant who decides to handle the action receives the action assignment, at which time others are not able to handle the action anymore.

Available assignment methods by action type

The following table shows the available assignment methods depending on the action type (synchronization, application, or sub-process) and the action application type (web procedure, web service, asynchronous web procedure, or web application).

Available assignment methods


Web procedure, web service, async web procedure

Web application



Automatic to the requester

See next table


Automatic to the action initiator [1]



Automatic to the person [2]



Automatic to the person who handled...

See next table


Automatic to the manager of the requester

See next table


Automatic to the manager of the action initiator

See next table


Automatic to the manager of the person who handled...

See next table


Automatic to the system



See next table



Manual by the action initiator

See next table

Manual by the person who handled...

See next table

Manual by the coordinator

See next table


See next table

  1. The Automatic to the action initiator method is available if the participant of the previous action is the same as the participant of the current action.

  2. If the Automatic to the person method is selected, the Retrieve the user from the data field must be filled in.

Available assignment methods for Web application actions by participant type and role

The following table shows the available assignment methods when selecting an Application action type and a Web application action application type depending on the associated participant type and participant role.

Available assignment methods


List of persons: Participant

List of persons: Requester

List of persons with coordinator: Participant

List of persons with coordinator: Requester


Automatic to the requester



Automatic to the action initiator [1]


Automatic to the person [2]






Automatic to the person who handled...





Automatic to the manager of the requester





Automatic to the manager of the action initiator





Automatic to the manager of the person who handled...





Automatic to the system


Manual by the action initiator





Manual by the person who handled...





Manual by the coordinator








  1. The Automatic to the action initiator method is available if the participant of the previous action is the same as the participants of the current action.

  2. If the Automatic to the person method is selected, the Retrieve the user from the data field must be filled in.

Next action tab



Action to be added *

Process action to add as the action following the current action

* An action can only be used once as the "next action" in the transition from the current action.



Next action

Name of the next action

Transitions to

List of possible actions to follow


A link displays the transition’s condition form in edit mode


Clicking x deletes the transition to the next action

Last updated